Take My Heart.

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There were many things I wanted to say, some of them not nice at all, and others more disgustingly gooey and romantic than he probably dreamed I was capable of.

Rather than embarrassing myself with either, I whispered, "Yes."

I could see the confusion in his face as he looked up at me, so I repeated, "Yes!"

He smiled and got up from the ground. I felt his arms wrap around me as his soft lips pressed against mine and swung me around.

Once he placed me back on the ground, he simply said, "Thank you."

He then took my left hand and kissed each of my fingertips before he kissed the ring that was now mine. He lifted me up in his arms again and swung me around once more. He set me down again and leaned down to kiss my lips again.

The whole crowd began cheering, and by the time we had all settled down, everyone had left.

I pulled away and slapped his arm playfully, "I can't believe you did that!"

"Did what?" He slightly laughed and rubbed his arm.

"I still can't believe you proposed!" I yelled and jumped in his arms while his hands held the back of my legs to support me.

"Did you not want me to?" He asked with a small chuckle and I shook my head.

"Of course I did! But seriously? You were scaring me at first!" I said and pressed my lips firmly against his.

"I love you," he whispered and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too...forever and always," I whispered back and jumped down from his arms.

"Should we go back home?" I asked and he nodded.

I took one last look at the arena, and thought about how perfect everything was now as we started leaving. I turned back to Shawn who was just smiling at me. I smiled back and grasped his hand in mine.

I looked down at my hand and admired my ring. Everything is perfect now...absolutely everything. Once we got back to the hotel, I instantly laid down on the bed and let out a loud yawn.

"Tired already?" Shawn asked and I nodded while burying my face in one of the pillows.

"How about we watch a movie until you fall asleep?" He asked and I nodded again.

I lifted myself up and crossed my legs underneath me and sat up. Shawn went into the cabinet where the remotes were stored and looked through the movie channels.

What we came out with was three different choices. He flipped through the channels for me to make the decision, and I knew that this was going to be a hard decision. It was either The Fault in our Stars, Taken, or Twilight.

"Which one would you like to watch?" He asked and I just shrugged.

It's probably been two minutes and I still have no idea of which one to choose. I looked at each one multiple times, and I could tell that Shawn saw my struggles. I decided to use my inner child self and do Eenie Meenie Miney Mo to decide. The movie we ended up choosing was Twilight...which means that I'm going to be crying soon.

During the first half of the movie I was already in tears. I don't really know how much I can really explain this, but this movie just makes me really emotional. I mean, when I first saw this movie, I was thirteen which was eight years ago. That's when I was an emotional wreck. Then when the final movie came out, that's when I broke down.

I'm just glad I didn't break into a pool of sobs towards the end because I fell asleep. I knew that was going to happen because I could feel it take over my body since I was wrapped in Shawn's arms. When I woke up, I felt myself be placed on a soft, warm surface. Which only meant that Shawn carried me over to bed.

I could sense him walk away from me, so I woke up immediately. I watched him get changed into some sweats and nothing else. He didn't know that I was awake, since he just went on with what he was doing. He walked over to the drawers where I stored some of my pajamas. He picked out a tank top and shorts for me.

I smiled and closed my eyes again. Another round of sleep took over my body. I woke up again wrapped in Shawn's arms. I could hear him humming his song that he had sang for me earlier. I wrapped my arms around him and I could feel him looking down at me.

I could feel my skin pressed against his bare chest. I nestled my head against his side and his arms hugged me tighter. I smiled and brought one of my legs up around his waist.

"I love you...you know that right?" I heard him whisper and I nodded while looking up at him.

"Of course I do, and I love you too...did you know that?" I asked and move my body upwards so I would be face to face with him.

"Yeah I know that," he whispered and one of his hands moved up from my waist to hold my cheek.

I brushed my nose against his and wrapped my arms around him tighter. I laid my head back down onto his chest and let out a small yawn.

"Me and you?" He asked while combing his fingers through my hair.

I simply nodded and whispered, "Until the end."

I slowly felt my eyes become heavy and they closed, and the final round of sleep took over my body.

Before I could completely fall asleep, I heard Shawn whisper four last words to me, "Goodnight my beautiful fiancée."

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