Madison Square Garden.

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I sat on my couch not sure of what to do. It's either go to the concert Shawn was talking about, or stay here, avoiding him like the plague.

I decided that I was better than that, and got up to get dressed for that concert. He didn't even tell me who was performing so what if it's like this teenage boy band?

Oh shut up Alexis, at least you're getting off of your lame ass!

I went into my closet and chose to wear a lavender cropped sweater, a black skirt, a nude scarf, some mesh tights, and brown boots with white calve-high socks. (Outfit below)

I walked into my bathroom and left my hair straight, while putting a little bit of makeup on

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I walked into my bathroom and left my hair straight, while putting a little bit of makeup on. After about fifteen minutes of debating whether or not I actually wanted to do this, I grabbed my bag and phone then walked out of my apartment.

I grabbed the ticket Shawn gave to me to see where on earth this place was at. My eyes widened as I looked at where it was.

Holy shit! Madison Square Garden!

I didn't really live too far from there so I just kept walking.


I walked up to the arena and a bunch of screaming girls were exploding. I called it. It was definitely a boy band isn't it? I tried walking around the place some more to find the actual entrance.

"Ticket please," a tall man, who looked like he didn't even want to be here, said.

I entered the arena and went through numerous rooms just to find my seat. I went through a VIP way and made my way to the floor.

I expected Shawn to be here already, but when I got to my seat, he wasn't. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and decided to do what I haven't done for years and that was to text him.

Alexis: Hey, I'm here where the hell are you?

In not even a second, I got a response.

Shawn: I've been here Alexis.

I looked around just to make sure I wasn't blind, and still didn't see him.

Alexis: No you aren't now where are you? If you don't come right now, I'm leaving.

Shawn: I'm coming right now, just please stay.

Alexis: Alright fine, but hurry please...I'm cold.

Shawn: At your service beautiful.

I turned off my phone ignoring what he had just called me. Even if it has been awhile since we last spoken like that, it still had a great effect on me.

I kept looking around waiting for Shawn to somehow appear, but he never did. Instead the lights went dim meaning the show was starting.

"God dammit Shawn where are you?" I cursed under my breath.

"That's what I've been saying ever since I bought these better be worth it," I turned my head to the side to look at the woman beside me.

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean by that?" I asked but she didn't respond.

Just then the sound of static filled the room, and lights started flickering as a certain beat began playing.  Drums soon began to follow the beat, and ended with the crowd cheering.

In an instant everyone rose from their seats, and I did the same.  More music started playing and on the stage I could see a tall figure standing there.  You couldn't see him because it was still dark where he was standing. It was a man for sure, but who?

He started stroking chords on the guitar, and then his voice began to ring out.

"I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation..."

Whoever was singing, stopped and everyone around me started screaming the lyrics.

"And anytime you want it to stop."

With that, I paused.  My heart started beating and for a second I realized who it was.  I didn't know if I was just being delusional, but I was about to know who it was in a second.

The lights worked in sync with the best and all of the sudden I knew who it was as he sang loudly.

"I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can."

My eyes went wide and I couldn't process what I was seeing.  At least I finally knew he was here, but he was here like this.  In this sold out arena in front of thousands of people.

That man standing on the stage was Shawn.

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