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Shawn. (2 Months Later)

The wedding is slowly approaching, and I could feel my body start to tremble even more.  Alexis was out doing some last wedding preparations with Amanda, Camila, and Emma.  Which meant that I was with Liam.  The wedding was only 2 days away.

My mom, dad, and sister were flying out tomorrow.  I told them it was okay if they didn't come, but they insisted.  My mom told me, and I quote, 'But it's your wedding day Shawny! We wouldn't miss it for the world!'  I really do have great parents who will always be there for me.

The day was slowly ending, and Liam had just left.  So I was alone waiting for Alexis to come home.  I laid down in bed after a long day of doing nothing.  I felt my eyes become droopy and they closed slowly...not until a light amount of weight jumped on top of me. 

Me eyes shot opened in alert to find Alexis smiling down at me, "Hey baby."

"Hi," I choked out still shocked about the amount of pressure she had on her when she jumped on top me hurt...I mean she's not all.

"Happy to see me?" She smirked and fluttered her eyelashes at me.

"Very," I said with a smiled and held her face in my hands as I moved her hair away from her face.

I pulled her down to meet my lips, and she collapsed her body onto mine.  A smile formed on my face as we kissed because I knew that I would have to leave her tomorrow.  Because according to Amanda, 'It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding day.'  I scoffed when I remembered her saying that to me.

I would be spending the day with my sister, and I honestly don't know if I'll survive.  Because I'll be with Aaliyah all day.  And by all day...I mean until I get married.  Wow I really don't think I'll survive that...maybe I should just say goodbye to Alexis right now.  I mean, there's no way I'm making it out of there alive.

I ignored what was going to happen tomorrow, and just focused on the time I have left with Alexis.  I mean this is the last day I'll have her to myself until we're husband and wife.  I kissed her passionately and flipped us over.  She laughed so cutely which made me smile even more.

When I wanted to kiss her even more, I stopped and she pouted then I started to tickle her.  I hadn't done that in a while.  Her breaths were starting to become heavy as she tried to suck in as much air as she could, but she couldn't.  This put another smile on my face.  I kept tickling her until I saw sweat particles start to form on her forehead.

"Do you want me to stop?" I let out a small chuckle as her breathing picked up again.

"What do you think!" She snickered while laughing at me continuing to tickle her.

After two minutes, I stopped tickling her and her breathing was raged, "Finally!" She breathed out in relief.

I put my hands to her stomach again, but she slapped me away from her, "Don't even think about it Mr. Mendes!"

I laughed and laid down next to her.  I felt her arms wrap around me, and I did the same.  Her breathing was still ragged as we laid in the dark.  I heard her let out a small yawn, which meant she was tired.  I gently kissed the top of her head and I yawned afterwards.

"Goodnight Shawn," she whispered while placing a small kiss on my chest.

"Goodnight Alexis," and with that said, we both fell into a deep slumber.


It was the next morning, which meant this is the day where I have to leave Shawn for a whole day.  Amanda insisted that I couldn't see him before tomorrow which makes me sad.  I mean, I couldn't even go two hours without him yesterday. 

It's was probably ten 'O' clock, which means Amanda should be coming any minute to take me away from Shawn.  Until she comes I've basically been glued to Shawn's side, and he's been glued to me.  We spent our time just in each other's arms in silence.

I liked it this way.  I liked being able to just lay in silence with him and it doesn't get awkward.  In general, I just liked being with him, and tomorrow, we would be married...Wow.

"So what do we do now?" I heard Shawn ask and I just shrugged.

I shifted my body on top of his and hugged his sides, "What do you want to do?"

"Well...I say we spend our time wisely with each other," he said and cocked an eyebrow.

"Wisely huh?" I said with a small smirk and he nodded while rubbing my back gently.

I shook my head and propped myself up on my hands and looked down at him as he continued to rub my back.  I shivered from his touch and I think he noticed.  I leaned down to meet his lips, but I ended up kissing his cheek.

"Hey!" I pouted and he started laughing.

"What?" He asked still laughing.

"Don't tease me like that!" I huffed in annoyance, but it didn't last too long since I felt him pull me down and crash his lips on mine.

I felt his arms start to grip my waist as I pulled him on top of me.  My back was now laying on the bed while he kissed me on top.  I ran my fingers through his hair that was currently a mess.  His hair was totally trashed from the amount of times I ran my fingers through his brown curly locks.

"Alexis!" Suddenly the door bursted open revealing Amanda and Camila behind her.

I pulled away from Shawn as we laid in an uncomfortable position, "Um...don't you knock!"

"Um...are you forgetting that I was coming over at this time?" She hissed back with a smirk.

"So are you ready to go?" Camila asked and I hesitantly nodded.

"I'll meet you outside okay?" I told them both and they nodded and walked away.

"Well we should've started to use our time wisely more sooner," Shawn whispered as soon as they left and started trailing small kisses along the ridge of my neck.

"I guess so," I whispered back with a small sigh.

I slid out from under him and gave him a small peck on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too...forever and always," he whispered back and I motioned myself towards the door.

"I'll meet you at the altar," he yelled after me before I could leave.

I went back to the room, "I'll be the one in white," I smiled at how blasé I sounded.

He chuckled and said, "Very convincing."

I laughed and walked away... 'until tomorrow,' I thought to myself and left the house just waiting for tomorrow to come...where I finally become married to Shawn.

All I Want. {Sequel Mr. Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now