Last Night.*

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Okay so this smut chapter I did not write whatsoever I just added in the names, so all credit goes to the person who wrote this on Tumblr.  You can find it on other Wattpad books, but just letting you guys know! ❤️


"Are you seriously mad at me for that!" Shawn shouts at me in the kitchen of our room.

My back leans against the counter, my arms crossed over my chest.  I glare at Shawn, not answering him.

"Oh great.  Silent treatment now?"

"You know what you did wrong, Shawn!  I shouldn't have to explain this to you," I reply.

"It was a fucking picture Alexis, for fucks sake!" He talks with his hands, his voice rising.

"I don't give a shit.  It's how you fucking posed with her.  In fact, it's how you pose with all of them!" I shout.

"Jesus, Alexis, it wasn't all that fucking bad.  You're overreacting."

"It wasn't bad? So you're telling me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a picture with a fan who is in some slutty ass crop top and a mini skirt with her leg up and your hand on her fucking thigh, up her skirt!" I shout at him.

"And don't even get me started on what she did afterwards!"

"It was a silly pose! What was I supposed to do, tell her no?"

"Yes, Shawn! You were supposed to! Do you know why? Because I, your fucking fiancée, was right there!"

"My fucking bad, alright! I just don't see anything wrong with it all!"

"Did you not see how she looked at you? And then at me? She fucking flaunted her chest at you and almost kissed you on the lips if you hadn't moved!"

"Oh my fucking god! It's not that bad! You're making it sound like I cheated on you!" Shawn shouts.

"Maybe I shouldn't have moved. I should have just let her kiss me!"

"Oh, fuck you, Shawn!" I spat, uncrossing my arms and walking out of the kitchen.

"Fine," Shawn grumbles.

He grabs me by the arms and pushes me against the wall of the hallway.

"Let go of me!" I tell him.

Shawn leans down and begins to seductively kiss at my neck. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this and that I wanted him to stop. I take my hands and bring them to his chest, attempting to push him away.

Shawn grabs both my wrists in one hand and raises them up against me, pinning them to the wall. He kisses up my neck, to my jaw, and then my lips. My knees feel weak as he slides his tongue in my mouth then out, biting on my lip.

"Shawn," I breathe.

He kisses me again and with his free hand, brings it to the hem of my dress, slipping underneath the fabric and touching my underwear.

He pulled them down and it falls to my ankles. Shawn fingers me, lightly scratching at my clit and going in deep into my walls.

"Fuck," I whimper.

"I can fuck you better than I could ever fuck that girl," Shawn says lowly in my ear.

"Then do it," I whisper.

In an attempt to push Shawn against the opposite wall, he pushes me back and grabs me from my thighs, picking me up off the ground.

I wrap my legs around his, my arms around his shoulders and unzips his pants with one hand, bringing out his hard length and teasing me as he slides it up and down my slit. Finally he stops teasing me and slams himself all the way into me.

Shawn holds me again by the thighs with both hands and starts to trust in and out of me. I begin to moan loudly and high pitched as he bites down at my neck.

"Shawn, Shawn, Shawn," I moan over and over.

"Fuck baby," he groans, "you feel fucking good, baby girl."

"Shawn, oh, fuck, daddy," I moan in his ear.

Shawn, secretly having a daddy kink, begins to pound into me harder and faster. My legs shake and begin to feel weak. As much as I want to drop them, I can't

Shawn has a tight grip on them, preventing me from doing so. My arms drop by Shawn's forearms, my head resting on his chest. He fucks me good, and he fucks me hard.

"Shawn," I breathed in his ear.

"Fuck," he says aloud, "oh princess, you feel fucking amazing."

He missed this feeling more than anything. When we first had sex, he was a virgin...remember? Taking his virginity was something. But when he got experience, it was something. He became this dominant person in bed, and I hadn't really admitted that.

But right now, feeling him pound in and out of me, my legs shaking, sweat beginning to form on his forehead, I can easily say that he has fucked me better than before.

"I-I'm close, Shawn," I pant.

"Lex, you're fucking wet," he pants.

He rests his forehead against mine. My eyes looking up and he's looking at me in the eyes. He licks his plump lips and leans in, kissing me. Shawn pulls apart and looks back into my eyes.

I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his, my legs wrapping tighter around him as I clench my walls around his length.

"Shawn," I moan loud and long.

"You're tight, baby girl," he breathes, "I'm almost there princess."

A few more thrusts and I open my eyes. Shawn has his mouth in an O shape. He stops thrusting, leaving his length in me. I feel him shoot into me as his body shakes, his long awaited orgasm coming hard and fast.

I can't help but breathe out loud and moan with Shawn. I unwrap my legs from his waist as he pulls out. Slowly, we slide down to the floor, still trying to catch our breath. I feast on my knees, grabbing his face and kissing him over and over.

"You just made my last night with you the fucking best last night anyone could ever ask you," I giggled and he nodded his head.

"Told you I was right," he smirked and I nodded.

"You were right," I say, "you fucked me better than you could fuck anyone."

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