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Like the other chapter with the smut, I did not write any of this so credit goes to whoever wrote it, I don't know you but yeah! Enjoy!❤️


I currently saw at Shawn's desk in his home office, scrolling though his laptop for any sign of 'her.'  So far, there was nothing.  The only thing I had was a song they were both currently working on.

"Princess?" Shawn calls out as the front door closes. 

I shut his laptop closed and walk out of the office and into the hall.  Shawn stands there, looking for me, as he takes off his coat and shoes, hanging the jacket on the rack and his shoes lying under. 

He spots me and a worried smile spreads on his face, "Baby, I know you read that bullshit article."

"Are you screwing her?" I ask him.

He stops in his tracks, taken aback by my blunt question.

"What?" He replies.

"I need to know before I call our wedding planner," I cross my arms under my chest, "are you and her having an affair?"

"Baby," he shakes his head, walking towards me, "no.  Never in a million years."

"Then why would you be spotted with her fourth times this month at almost three in the morning?"

"Lex, princess," Shawn stands in front of me, his hands resting gently on my upper arms, "she's just a friend."

"Shawn, I want to believe you, but this is the fourth time this month you've been spotted with her."

I free myself from his grip and walk towards the living room.

"Alexis Mendes," Shawn calls out to me.

I stop and turn around.

"I love you.  There is nothing going on with us, baby.  Believe me."

He's in front of me, looking sweetly in my eyes.

"I have believed you so many times.  I've given you every part of me, Shawn.  I gave you my heart, my love, my virginity.  And you've given me a ring and cheating rumors."

"Rumor! You said it yourself.  It's another rumor."

"How do I-"

"She's just a friend!" Shawn raises his voice slightly.

"I'm not fucking her. Not do I want to. The only person I want beneath me," he pulls me closer to his body, "the only person I want moaning my name," he grabs my right leg, holding my thigh with his left hand, "the only person who's hair I want to pull," his right hand tugs onto my hair, pulling my head back so I can look into his now lust filled eyes, "the only person I want to fuck," he bites his lip while staring at my lips, "is you."

Shawn looks me in the eyes and I gulp.  He let's go of my hair and thigh then brings his hands to either side of my face, kissing me forcefully.  He spares no time sliding his tongue into my mouth.

My hands wander down to his pants and I fumble with his belt buckle before finally unbuckling his pants.  He pushes me down onto the large, black L shaped couch and I land with a soft thud.

I take off my shirt and throw it on the floor.  Shawn slowly takes his shirt off, allowing me to take him in, before crawling back on top of me. 

His lips are back on mine before I know it and he's taking off my shorts, sliding them off my feet with one hand while he starts to rub himself hard with the other.  I slide off my underwear and grab Shawn, pulling him back down.

Our lips connect and I hear the familiar sound of his zipper coming down.  He slides his pants halfway down his thighs before taking out his hard member with his left hand, pumping himself harder.  With his right hand, Shawn licks his fingers before rubbing them on my clit.


I nod, awaiting the feel of him inside me.  Shawn thrusts himself in, making me moan out loud.  My legs are spread and wrapped around his torso.

"I fucking love you," Shawn tells me as he starts to thrust forcefully in me.

I can only pant and reply with simple "uh huh's" as he fucks me.  My eyes are closed, taking in the moment we haven't had in over four months. 

I wrap my arms around his shoulder, keeping up with a breathing pace as Shawn goes in and out.  Our skins coming in contact echoes the room along with my soft moans and Shawn's throaty grunts.

"I love you," Shawn says, kissing me, "I fucking love you, Alexis."

I manage to flip us over, making me on top. Shawn holds onto my waist as he sits up on the couch, looking me in the eyes.  My hands lie on his shoulders, holding them down for support as I start to ride him.

"I love you," I tell Shawn, leaning in to kiss his lips as I grind on top of him.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, but only before he puts me back down on the couch.  Shawn grabs my left leg and puts it over his shoulder, thrusting into me at a better position.  His hands hold my hips down to keep them of coming up each time he trusts into me.

"God," Shawn says, "I fucking love you."

I place a hand on the back of his head and pull his face down to mine, connecting our lips together.

Almost as if something came over him, or it was just the moment of the kiss, Shawn takes my leg off his shoulder and slows down.  He is no longer rough, but instead gentle, and sweet.  It reminds me of the first time we ever had sex.

The night we both lost our virginity to each other.  The memory floods back into my mind.  How we were young, and I was slightly drunk, and in love.  Each soft, gentle thrust he gave me reminded me of that night so much.

"Shawn," I pant as he continues to deeply thrust into me. 

I orgasm as he slows down, nearing his orgasm.  By the time he comes, he is sweating and lies down on my body.  My legs and arms are still wrapped around him, holding him.

"Lex," Shawn says softly, his head resting in the crook of my neck, "I love you."

"I know."

"I don't want these rumors to hurt us anymore."

"They won't."

"Do you love me?"

"Very much."

"I love you...forever and always," I whispered as a smile creeps up on my face.

All I Want. {Sequel Mr. Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now