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My eyes went wide at the abomination I saw in front of me.  In a spilt second, Shawn was right by my side.

"Camila," I hissed and she just started laughing hysterically.

"Sorry I didn't get you a birthday gift sweetie, but I thought this would work out best," she winked and I could feel my fists clench as she got up from the bed and walked towards me.

"Until next time sexy," she whispered into Shawn's ear which almost made me punch the lights out of her.

Once she left, I was stuck between two emotions.  Being mad at Shawn, or listening.  Not wanting to make the same mistake again, I chose to listen.

"Lex I'm so sorry I thought-" he began but I cut him off by pressing my lips against his.

"Don't apologize, you didn't know, and I see that," I mumbled and cupped his face in my hands.

"I know but still I knew something was off, but I kept going," he said and I could see tears start to form in his eyes.

"Shawn, baby, don't cry.  It was an honest mistake, and that whore over there was playing a trick on you," I explained and he nodded.

"I know, I just," he paused and took a deep breath in, "I don't want to lose you Lex."

"And you won't.  You want to know why?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Because I want my life to have you in it, and I already made the mistake of leaving you, but I'm not now.  I'm not going anywhere.  We're going to get married and then we'll be happy."

"God, I love you," he muttered and crashed his lips onto mine.

My hands got tangled into his brown locks as his tongue entered my mouth.  I moaned as we fought for dominance, and he ended up winning.  I pulled away to see him smiling down at me.

"I love you too, now can we please go back down to the party? There's some people I want you to formally meet," I giggled and he nodded.

"Anything for the birthday girl," he said as we walked hand in hand out of the room.


We had just gotten back to the hotel room, and I was completely trashed. Shawn wasn't though since he wanted to be 'a responsible adult.' I laughed at the idea in my head as I jumped into bed and threw my mask across the room.

After the incident with Camila, I introduced Shawn to the others. Amanda kept saying that she knew it the whole time, but we all knew she didn't.

Liam congratulated us on not only telling them about Shawn and I, but our wedding that's coming up too. We hadn't really given much thought on what to do for it, but it's in the works.

"Tired birthday girl?" Shawn mumbled while slipping out of his clothes into only his boxers.

I hummed in response and closed my eyes. A few seconds after that, I felt my dress being lifted up my body. I smiled to myself and sat up in bed.

My eyes locked with Shawn's as he removed my dress. I laid back down and was only in my panties.

"You're so beautiful," Shawn murmured while moving the covers off of the bed.

I got up and went into Shawn's luggage to grab one of his hoodies to sleep in.

"Hey you thief!" He chuckled while getting into bed.

"Excuse me Mr. Mendes, but you have no right to say that anymore...I'm almost your wife," I giggled while slipping under the covers with him.

"That you are," he smiled while pulling me into his chest.

"I love you," I mumbled while placing a kiss in the middle of his chest.

"And I love you...forever and always," he said while kissing the top of my head.

Soon after, we both dozed off to sleep not knowing the future that lies ahead.

~4 months later~

It's been four months and Shawn was finally done with tour, well has been, but he's still very busy. Our whole lives have kind of changed I guess you could say.

Everything that happened with Camila was pushed aside. She had someone new in her life, and now we're basically best friends, surprisingly.

Right now he was finishing up some work with his third album. This is what he's been doing for basically the past month, so I haven't really seen him as our wedding slowly approaches.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone while eating some fruit, when I saw something that completely exploded my mind.

My eyes widened as I scrolled through Twitter and saw Shawn's name mentioned in something. I clicked it and this is what came up;

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello have been spotted out together for the fourth time this month. Caught them red handed at a bar leaving at the very late hours. What does Shawn's fiancée, Alexis Rivera, think of this?

And that's when my heart sunk.

All I Want. {Sequel Mr. Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now