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I soon felt our fingers lock with one another as we laid in the grassy field.  We've been here once.  It was in the dream.  The daydream that I thought was real but wasn't.  I could feel my heart start to race as my cheeks began to burn like the hot summer weather.  I could feel his arms wrap around me as we laid in silence.

"Are you scared?" I heard him ask me, but I couldn't bare to answer.

So instead, I rolled over so I would be on top of him.  Our eyes locked together as one while we stared deep into each other's souls.  My cheeks were burning again, and his did the same.

I saw his hand reach up for my cheek as he repeated his question, "Are you scared?"

I looked up at him and I could feel his emotions telling me to answer him...so I did, "No," was all I could say.

"Why not?" He asked while pulling me up closer to him.

"Because I have you," I answered and he cracked a small smile.

I could feel him pulling me up closer to him, so our lips could meet.  Everything was repeating itself, I could feel it.  I am aware of my true feelings I have towards this boy who I dreamed fell in love with me when he was my teacher.  I could feel the love we share towards each other grow each second we had together.  This is how it works, and I am aware of that now.  This is how love works out.

I could feel the both of us pull away from each other.  I could feel every emotion I had in my body explode.  And that's all because of him.  The only joy I could ever have in life is being caused by him.  No one else...just him.

I could see the love in his soft eyes he had for me be expressed in many different ways.  I knew that already knows how much I love him.  He knows my feelings, because I express them in every possible way.  I moved my way down his body.  I laid comfortably and rested my head on his chest.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look at me!" I heard our little girl cheer as she blew small bubbles in the wind.

The boy with little brown curls was trying to catch up, but fell down in the process.  It only took five years for me to agree.  Shawn wanted them, and he always seems to get what he wants from me.

His arms wrapped around me as we watched them closely.  The joy they gave us was nothing compared to what I have towards Shawn.  In my ear I could hear his calm heartbeat.  My stomach fluttered as he finally spoke.

"I love you," I heard him whisper as his arms held on to me tightly.

"And I love you," I whispered back as silence began to fill our surroundings.

"Me and you?" He asked as quiet as possible.

I nodded and looked up at him, "Until the end."

"Forever," he mumbled as he stared into my eyes.

"Forever and always...until our hearts stop beating," I agreed as he cracked a shy smile.

I moved up to meet his lips again and smiled when I did.  We may have only met in a dream, but it was real.  And this moment is proving that.  Our love was not fake, nor was it non-existent because I have him right now.  It's me and Shawn until the very end.  Nothing more...nothing less...just me and him. My teacher whom I learned to fall in love with, not once, but twice.  In a daydream and in reality.

The End.


Alright so incase the ending is a bit confusing for you, I'll explain so bare with me. So the whole moral of the story is that Shawn and Alexis fell in love, but the twist is that they never met. After Alexis comes to conclusion with this, she lives on with her life, and as she did this, the events she had with Shawn throughout both books actually happened which makes up the Epilogue. They fell in love in both her daydream and real life.

Hope this cleared things up if you got confused 😂

Until next time my lovelies!


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