Honeymoon Pt 2.

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Alexis. (3 weeks later)

I woke up, still wrapped in Shawn's arms. Our bare bodies were hugging one another tightly. We basically had not once moved from this bed. I could hear the gentle snores coming from my husband above me. I could feel my cheeks start to flush a bright shade of red as I kept hearing him. I shifted myself closer to him so I would be on top of him.

I felt his arms wrap around me tighter, and in a instant, his eyes flew open. His brown, gentle orbs were staring straight into mine.

"Well good morning sunshine," I blushed and placed a gentle kiss in the middle of his chest.

"Morning," he smiled and closed his eyes again while lifting me up so I would be face to face with him.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked him as he planted small kisses along my face.

"I say we just stay here," he mumbled and held me tighter while burying his face in my chest.

"I think that can be arranged," I chuckled and picked his head up to look at me.

"But first, breakfast," I said with a smile and he nodded.

"And what would my lovely wife like to eat this morning?" He smiled and got up from the bed while walking over to put some clothes on.

"Eggs and toast?" I asked feeling a little bit unsure about what I actually wanted.

"Coming right up," he laughed and headed down stairs.

I then got up from the bed and walked into the restroom after getting some new clothes out from the drawers. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was completely covered in red marks. I blushed a little as I looked at my hair. It was all messy and tangled. I combed my hair and put it in a ponytail, then brushed my teeth, and got changed.

I wore a simple t-shirt and some shorts. I combed out my hair one last time. It was still a tad wavy, so I didn't have to do that much to it. I walked out and felt an uneasy feeling go through my stomach. Me being my non concerned self, I just ignored it.

I walked down the stairs and sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I watched Shawn fix up some breakfast for the both of us, and he honestly couldn't look more perfect. I gawked at his appearance, and his messy brown hair. I blushed as I remembered about last night when I messed up his hair as we 'kissed.'

"Breakfast for my lovely wife," Shawn smiled and placed a plate of my breakfast in front of me.

I didn't say anything, I just pulled on the collar of his shirt and pulled him down so his lips would attach to mine. We pulled away from each other and I took a small bite of my breakfast. I took one bite and in an instant, I ran away from the counter.

Before I knew it, I was crouched down by the toilet and started to throw up all of the food I had eaten. I felt my hair get pulled out of my face, and a hand rubbing my back. It was Shawn. When I had finally finished throwing up everything I had left in my body, I closed the lid and sat on top of it.

"Are you alright?" I heard Shawn ask me as I hide my face in my hands.

"Yeah...I think it was just the eggs," I told him while another uneasy feeling appeared in my stomach.

"Hey, don't blame my cooking," Shawn snickered with a small chuckle, but soon stopped as I fell back to the ground and threw up in the toilet again.

"Okay, are you sure you're okay?" Shawn asked and I shook my head.

"I don't feel too well," I told him and he nodded as I fell back into his arms feeling a little light headed.

"Can you pass me my bag?" I pointed to a small toiletry bag on the counter and he handed it to me.

I sat on the lid of the toilet again and looked through my bag. I looked for something, though I wasn't sure what I was really looking for, until I came across something. Birth control pills. I looked up at Shawn and saw that they weren't even opened. I felt my jaw drop because I knew for a fact that we haven't been using any protection whatsoever.

"Alexis? What's the matter?" I didn't say anything, I just continued to stare at the unopened box in my hands.

My bag soon fell to the ground, and the box in my hands was revealed. Shawn moved next to me to see what I was holding. He took the box of pills out of my hands, and I could see him from the corner of my eye, concentrating on it.

"Shawn," he started, but then silenced himself.

"You don't think I'm?" I tried to complete my question, but I couldn't.

Within seconds, Shawn had gotten up from the ground and stormed out the door. I sat there in shock, and looked at the box that was now on the ground. I sunk down to the ground and buried my face in my hands not knowing where he just went.


It's been two hours, and he still hasn't come back yet. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, but then quickly opened them when I heard the downstairs door open. I walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs. My balance was still a little uneven as I made my way into the kitchen. When I walked in, I saw Shawn holding a small box in his hands.

"Might as well test it," I heard him mumbled as he walked towards me slowly while showing me the box.

I looked at the box and saw that it was a pregnancy test. I simply nodded and didn't say anything. I took the box from his hands and walked back upstairs to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet for a couple of minutes trying to figure out how to do this. I took a deep breath in while I opened the box. Within a matter of minutes, I would know if I was pregnant or not.

It's been almost five minutes, which means that the test is done. I looked over at Shawn who was staring at me with uncertainty. I felt another uneasy feeling kick through my stomach as I walked back into the bathroom to see the test. I grabbed it and looked at it.

I took a short glance at Shawn, and then back at the test, "Looks like I'm pregnant."

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