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I could see Shawn's eyes widen, and a smile started to peek onto his face. I could feel tears of joy start to fill my eyes.

I'm pregnant.

That's all that was running through my head. Nothing more...nothing less.

"You're pregnant!" Shawn exclaimed and got up from the bed to embrace me in a hug, but then something happened.

Just when he was about to hold me in his arms, that light headed feeling shocked through my body. And before I knew it, I fell to the ground unconscious.


My eyes fluttered against the bright light.

What the heck?

A loud bang caught my attention when a set of textbooks slammed against my desk. I looked up to see Shawn staring down at me.

"Now, can I please continue with my lesson Ms. Rivera?" He questioned and my mind was spinning.

"I'm sorry but what?" I blurted out and he furrowed his brows together.

"History isn't going to teach itself hun," he smirked and moved away from my desk.

I looked around the room and I had to do a double take. I looked down at my clothes, and I was in the outfit I first met Shawn in.

What the hell was happening?

"Now as I was saying, I'm Mr. Mendes, your new teacher," he said and at that point, I completely lost it.

"H-how is this possible?" I muttered to myself and then everyone turned their heads to me.

People started whispering things about how lost I was feeling.  I didn't care about that though.  I just wanted to know what the hell was going on.

I was with Shawn.  We we're married.  We just found out we were going to have a child together.  But instead, I'm back in this hellhole.

"Lex, I think you need to go see the nurse," Liam said while rubbing my back gently.

"No!" I protested and ran my fingers through my hair, frustratedly.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I couldn't think of what to do next.  I had to leave.  I had to get out of here.  All of this wasn't right.

I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my stuff.  I was about to storm out of the room until I turned around to see Shawn again staring at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry," I cried and ran out of the room.

I bursted through the doors and got into my car.  My head was leaning against the wheel, trying to process everything.

How could I just imagine all of those wonderful things we share together?  Everything we went through never happened, but how is that even possible?

I cried out all of my feelings.  My body was rejecting everything I was trying to take in.  I didn't want this to be reality.  All I wanted was to open my eyes and realize what I was experiencing was the dream and not me losing him.

When my eyes were closed I could see us together. Happy.  But now it seems like that's not the case anymore.  Right now he probably thinks I'm so lunatic teen who doesn't know what the hell shes talking about, but in reality, I do.

I didn't want to live in a world without him knowing me.  I didn't want to live with him not loving me.  I need him, but I can't make things happen like that.

I wanted to wait for him and be alone with him.  Our love was difficult but it was real even if I just daydreamed it all.  I need him to know that what I felt with him could happen.

This world that I was trapped in is what's sucking the absolute life out of me.  My thoughts were scrambled and I didn't know what to do with myself.

Without him in my life, I'll be nothing.  We shared everything together.  He was my first kiss, my first time, my husband, but now he's not.

Things like that just don't happen for no reason.  If I did dream all of that, I had to have meant something, at least to me.  Maybe for us.

In my head all I could see were these monster thoughts that were attacking my brain.  As my thoughts were coming to a scattered close, I heard a knock on my window.

I didn't want to lift my head, because that would mean me coming in to conclusion of where I really am, but I couldn't fight this anymore.

I was about to spend an eternal darkness without him in my life now, because what we had couldn't possibly happen again...could it?

I lifted my head up to see who it was and urge to just end things right now and calmed down.  There was hope lifting in my guest as I saw his gentle smile through the window.

His soft brown eyes were consuming me all over again.  I rolled the window down as he kept his eyes on me.


All I Want. {Sequel Mr. Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now