Together Again.

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It's been three months since Shawn had left for tour. I hadn't seen him in so long and I feel like I've gone mad. He tried flying over to come see me, but never had the chance.

His schedule was hectic, and so was mine. When he's supposed to be coming back, I would be going back to Colorado for my birthday.

He's said he was trying his hardest to fly back, but I told him to keep going with tour. I know how important his fans are to him, so I just told him to stay.

Although I wanted to be sad about him not coming home, I'm not. Only because I have one trick up my sleeve that he won't see coming.

I'm currently on my flight to the United Kingdom. I haven't been calling Shawn, which I know hurts him, but he'll perk up once he sees me. His manager, Andrew, was the one who came up with the whole idea because he told me how distant Shawn has been for the past couple of months.

I know that me being away from him hurts him as much as it does to me. I can't bare the thought of ever being apart from him for even more than a second. It just hurts too much.

Anyways, it's just two more hours until I get to see him. All I really want to do is just jump into his arms. With him, I feel safe and secure.

He's like someone who just entered me into another world. I'm different with him. The old me was just this shy yet sometimes confident girl. But with him, I'm's like I'm a whole new me.

With him, it feels like he's my home. He's someone who I can imagine myself with for the rest of my life. Sure we had our ups and downs in the past, but that's just how I feel.

I can't express how I really feel about him he just makes me fall for him each time. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.

Without Shawn, I would be nothing. But I have him in my life and it feels like something that I can't even describe. I would never really see myself with someone like him, but here I we are. I can't help but to think of us years down the where would we be?

I know that it's possible for us to somehow drift apart from each other because that's just how life works out. I always think about what could happen, but in the end I just know that I have to love him because one day it could all just break. He's mine, and I'm his. Simple.

If I were to ever lose him, then I don't know what I'll do. He's my everything. My life just feels complete with him in it. I keep recalling that time I kissed him when we took that trip to London for 'extra credit.' That was one moment I'll never forget. He's just so special to me that I can't put it in words.

I can imagine seeing us in the future. We would be happy, that's for sure. I'll still love him the same...maybe more if that's even possible. But it is possible. It's possible to love him even more because he's just that lovable. No matter what I do I just end up falling for him even when I don't try to.

Maybe it's just because I finally have him back in my life again, but it feels like I've known him for such a long time. It feels like he's my best friend who I ended up falling in love with. I don't think I can properly explain how in love I am with him because I just am. It's like everyday I'm just in love with him even more.

It's unconditional love...that's what I would call it. It's the kind of love that no one could ever tear apart. It's just me and him until the end. Until the end of our lives I hope. That's just how I want him. To be with me, and for me to be with him...because I love him...forever and always.


I just landed in the United Kingdom, and was already off the plane. I went to the baggage claim and got my luggage. I could feel a mile long smile stretch across my face. I can't really express what kind of emotions were running through my body. I walked out of the airport and got a taxi.

I have the driver the address to the arena and we immediately drove off. His show already started, but I only wanted to surprise him at the end of his show. It took about maybe twenty minutes for the driver to take me to the arena.

I could already imagine his expression. I could already see the tears that would roll down his small cheeks. I knew that once I see him, I would instantly crash my lips against his. I kept thinking of Shawn as I got out of the car, and I watched the taxi drive away.

I walked in through the back and saw Andrew waiting for me.

"You're just in time, Shawn's going to be so happy," he told me and I nodded.

"Better be, but we're gonna need some privacy once his show is done," I said with a smirk.

"That's what I guessed, just keep everything clean," he teased and I laughed as we walked into the building.

"No promises," I said and walked into Shawn's dressing room.

"Have fun then," Andrew said and closed the door leaving me there all alone.

I sat of the couch while slipping off my jacket. Underneath, I was wearing a lacy lingerie set which I knew would make him even more crazy.

After about ten more minutes of waiting, I heard the door open. Shawn walked in and I almost bursted into tears when I saw him, but I couldn't do that.

For this round, I have to keep my act up. He grabbed his water bottle off the table of drank the whole thing, completely oblivious to the fact that I was here.

I cleared my throat and spoke, "Hey rockstar, can I get an autograph?"

He turned around with a shocked expression, "Alexis."

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