Chapter Nine: Dreaming of Space

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    "So, Carmen..." Adam began after he and his friends were seated at the lunch table. "What do you like to do in your free time?"

    "Well, I'm actually into math, so I spend a lot of time practicing." Carmen replied, pushing on her glasses again.

    "Really?" Adam was a bit surprised, because he could not relate. "What got you so into math?"

    "Well, I think it was my love for something else. Ever since I was little, I've always been interested in space..."

    "Really? Me too! I always found it to be so pretty!"

    Carmen continued with a dreamy sigh, like thinking about space took her mind somewhere else, someplace wonderful, an escape from the horrors of the real world. "Space... it's so beautiful... It's always had a special place in my heart. When I was three, although I don't remember it, my parents gave me a space pop-up book, filled with pictures and facts of the planets, stars, comets, meteors, and galaxies. There was a little tab on one of the pages that gave TONS of information about the planets in the solar system, and it literally blew my mind as a kid! I just couldn't wrap my head around how big the universe actually is! And I still can't! That's what makes space so interesting! It's something that makes our lives look so small and unimportant! And we haven't even seen it all yet! I mean, look, there are billions and billions of stars, and galaxies, and we haven't even found them all! It's so cool!" Carmen realized how she was slowly drifting off topic and cleared her throat. "Anyways, I knew from that moment on, that I loved math, and that I wanted to work at NASA. Not as an astronaut, because I don't think I have the guts to do that, but as an engineer." Carmen smiled, and they all smiled back, Adam's smile being the biggest.

"Wow, that's awesome." Mark commented.

"Yeah, that's actually really cool." Landon added.

"What else do you like to do?" Adam asked, intrigued.

"I also enjoy coding." Carmen nodded, pushing her glasses again.

"Coding? What kind?" Adam sat up straighter.

"All kinds! Although, my favorite thing to code is video games. I've made several small games in the past, but I'm too nervous to post them online..."

    "Don't feel nervous! I'm sure people will love them!"

    "Gee, I don't know..."

    Adam thought of something. "Hey, I have an idea! Do you want us to test the games before you put them online?"

"You would do that?" Carmen's smile grew.

"Sure!" the rest of the group said in unison.

"We want to help!" Landon added.

"Okay, that would be great! Thanks guys!" Carmen stated.

"Hey, it's not a problem! We would love to help!"

Just then, the bell rang. Time to go to class.

"Well, I better go." Carmen quickly packed her stuff. But just before she took off, she froze and looked at each of them happily, grateful that they came over to actually be her friend. "Thank you all again, and I guess I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Carmen!" all of the boys smiled and waved in unison.

Carmen sighed of happiness before running off towards her next class.

"I'm so happy we did that." Mark smiled.

"She's actually really nice." Landon added.

"And apparently, really smart." Ryan added.

"Guys," Adam looked at all of his friends. "We did the right thing today."

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for 200 views! That's insane, especially since this book only has ten parts so far! I love you all! Also, happy 20th birthday to Cole Goodrich! What, you DON'T know who that is?! Look him up here on Wattpad! His stories are awesome, especially his FNAF series! He's a really good writer! Also, as another side note, some of the things Carmen says in this (if you couldn't tell) is from Markiplier's "Space is Cool" song!😂 Anyways, enough of that! Thanks again, and I'll be out with more parts soon!

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