Chapter Twelve: Blast Off! (Day One)

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    Adam's parents hugged their son tightly, never wanting to let go. But finally, when Adam had to board the ship, they did. They smiled as they looked upon him, and said, "Have a lot of fun on this Field Trip! We love you very much!"

    Adam smiled back, and replied, "I love you guys too."

    They kissed him on the forehead before backing up into the crowd and letting him board the ship with his friends.

    Everyone was waving as the class boarded the ship. Adam looked out in the crowd, and saw Carmen waving at him. He smiled, but then frowned as he noticed something. She looked happy now, but she looked like she had just been crying...

    But it was too late to do anything now. The ship was about to take off, so Adam boarded.

    As soon as they were all seated, seat belts buckled, the countdown started at thirty seconds, and Adam and his friends could barely contain their excitement.

    "This is it!!!" Landon shouted.

    "Here we go!" Ryan added.

    "We're off to space!" Mark stated.

    "Let's go!" Adam smiled.

    The extremely loud engines roared as they started up, and the countdown continued. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Lift off!"

    The ship suddenly zoomed upward, and the entire class screamed with excitement, as if they had just been launched on a roller coaster.

    Adam watched out the window as the atmosphere disappeared and faded into darkness. The only thing the class could see now was the stars.

    "Wow." Adam and his friends gasped in unison.

Adam looked back, and out the back window he saw Earth, his home. He had seen a sight like this on Google Virtual Maps, but never in his entire life did he expect it to look this beautiful at this distance. No matter how close they get, no matter how hard they try, Adam thought, computer programmers can never get something virtual to look like the real thing.

Adam and his friends chatted while the space ship zoomed through, well, space, for almost seven hours until it stopped in front of a strange space station with giant, glass windows and a unique architecture. This building almost looked like a child had stacked square and rectangular building blocks but made no effort to make sure that the sides lined up.

"Okay class," Mr. Samson announced. "This is our hotel. Unbuckle your seatbelts, get your things, and meet me at the front of the ship."

    The class unbuckled their seatbelts, but were surprised when they didn't float out of their seats.

    "Mr. Samson?" Adam raised his hand, questioning the phenomenon.

    "Yes, Adam?" Mr. Samson replied.

    "If there is zero gravity in space, then why aren't we floating?"

    "Oh! That's because this spaceship has the technology to create gravity inside the ship! Any of the stations we will enter have this feature as well!"

    "Oh! That's cool!"

    The students gathered at the front of the ship, right by the door.

    "Okay students, attach these metal circles to the bottom of your shoes. They are gravity magnets and they will prevent you from floating off into space! They will make you 'stick' to whatever substance your feet are on. Take two and pass them back." he handed them to the students and they passed them around. Then, he opened a compartment overhead and pulled out what looked like a helmet. "As you guys know, you can't breathe in outer space, so you will need to wear this helmet whenever we exit the ship." Mr. Samson passed out helmets to the students, and everyone put them over their heads.

    The doors opened, and Mr. Samson shouted as he exited the ship, "Come on, class! Grab you things, and let's go check into the hotel!"

A/N: Hello! Thank you all for your patience and continued support! You all mean so much to me! I apologize for the super long wait! As I said in my announcement to my followers, I have been very busy with school lately, so much so that I haven't been getting a good amount of sleep lately! I haven't slept through the night without waking up in over a week, so please be patient! Thanks again, and hopefully the next chapter will be out soon!

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