One More Update

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Hi again!

I am going to make this short and sweet because I am tired and need to go to bed. So long story short, I won't be done with Field Trip by the deadline for the awards ceremony. It's just not going to happen. Sorry guys. I am still planning on entering the awards ceremony though, but with my poetry collection instead. If, by some miracle, I complete my novel tomorrow, then I might enter it in the awards, but that is extremely unlikely. I have so much shit to do the next 1.5 weeks and I just really don't have time for anything else but school and cleaning my room. Yes, I know, cleaning my room sounds like a lame excuse, but I want to redecorate my room and I've been promising someone my furniture for months now, and my mom wants it all gone by this weekend, but my room still looks like it was hit by a tornado. Seriously, it looks like absolute crap, it's not even funny anymore. It is in desperate need of cleaning and redecorating because I grew out of hot pink walls and barbie dolls years ago.

What does this mean for you guys? Well, if I can still get on here after the bullshit tomorrow with the vote to repeal net neutrality, which is a whole other issue that I really don't feel like talking about right now, if at all, I am still aiming for New Year's Eve. If not, definitely early January. I will be in Alta, Utah, a ski resort we go to every year, from December 31st to either January 4th or 5th (I can't remember off the top of my head),  but here's the irony: I hate skiing and I only go because I am forced to! Oh, the irony! Last year, I pretty much stayed inside the hotel for the whole trip with the exception of maybe 2 days, and I'm probably going to end up doing the same thing again, so that's more time to write for me! Especially New Year's Eve, because we get in at some ridiculous time early in the morning so that, according to the certain someone who forces me to go, "We can go skiing in the afternoon." Yeah, okay, that's not happening. I would rather sit in the warm bar/lounge in the hotel eating pizza and typing than freeze my ass off out there doing something I don't even like to do. The earliest I'm skiing this year, if I actually decide to ski, is January 1st, 2018, so that means I'll be able to write A LOT on New Year's Eve! Although at that point, I hope to be in the editing process, but that's besides the point.

In summary, I'm pretty much certain that I won't be able to finish Field Trip by tomorrow night, but I am still aiming to have the completed book published on Wattpad by December 31st, and if not, very early January.

That's it for now! See you soon with the complete first draft of Field Trip! :D

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