Chapter 4: Rooms

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After the chosen were picked they would branch them up into there groups. They got to chat and meet the people in the group. Witch was good because Emma wanted to talk to Aaron. After that they would talk about training.

"So, where do you live?" She asked him.

"I live toured the center, my parents both work for the electric company's. Where do you live?" He asked politely.

He had a soft voice. His brown eyes matched his hair perfectly. It was calming to look in his eyes.

"I live more toured the walls, my mom doesn't have a job. So when I was fifteen I started working at the fish shop." She responded.

"All right, so you've meet a few people hopefully. So now I want to talk about training" the group leader says to the 10 kids who sat in a circle.

"So as you know, we are the retrievers, but some of you don't know what retrievers do. Retrievers are the people who will go to the top of the tower and bring the satellite back!"

Emma now knew why she got picked for this. She was most likely the fastest person to get down from the tower. So if there was an emergency she could get down the tower the fastest.

"Ok so if you will fallow me," the leader said.

They were lead into a big room. Where there was a couch and a long table. It had a nice view of the city. It was nice. Almost to nice! Emma had lived in a dirty house her whole life. Now she was living here!

"If you look down the hall you will see 10 rooms one for each of you," The leader said, "Your name will be on the door,"

Every kid walked over into a room. Emma ended up in a room next to Aaron. She was glad. She wanted to know him more.

Emma peered into the room. It was huge. It had a small couch. There was a queen bed that was laying against the back wall. In front of a big window that overlooked the city. A walk in closet that had Twenty sets of clothes. Some where training clothes, some where laying around clothes, and some where sleeping clothes. It was all so nice. There were also shoes that where just her size.

"Hey guys can you all come out," the group leader called.

"Ok so I want to discuss are schedule, so we will have training every weekday. You are aloud to roam the house and other groups houses on the weekends. You however are not aloud to leave the tower on weekdays. Now lunch will be served everyday at 12:00, breakfast will be out here on the table when you wake up, and there will be dinner when you get back from training on weekdays and on weekends dinners at 8:00." He said. "Understood, good training starts tomorrow, you have the rest of the day to your self!"

Aaron and Emma spent the rest of the day talking. Aaron told Emma something's she would have never guessed. But there was something different. Something he was not telling her.

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