Chapter 16 : Home

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Emma could see the walls in sight. Out of breath, holding Nicks hand. Lilly just to her right.

When they stepped into the city they collapsed an the floor. They all stood up laughing it off.

Then something caught Emma's eye. Her mother smiling, tears of joy. Emma raced over and fell into her arms, "Never before have I missed you so much," she said grabbing her closer.

"Same here," her mom said. She pulled her back and kissed her forehead. The way she did when she was little.

People cheered around them as more kids, came into the gates. Tears fell to the ground. Emma looked back at Nick. Only he wasn't there. She looked around, spinning her head in different directions. She spotted him with two younger girls.

She raced over and hugged him from behind. He turned around and she collapsed in his arms, "We made it," she whispered.

"Yeah, we did," he whispered back. They got closer. Before Emma knew there lips touched. Slowly they pulled away. Little giggles fallowing.


"Gross!" Emma turned around to find two little girls. Right next to them.

"Oh, Emma these are two of my sisters, Emily and Cassidy," Nick said. Bending down to meet there eyes.

They both looked at Emma, "Wow! She's pretty!" Cassidy said. Emma laughed.

Nick turned to her, "You will have to meet the rest of my family later. You'll love them," He said.

Emma looked around again and found Lilly but she was with her older brother so she didn't bother her. Emma then looked around again and found Mackenzie. She was Standing off to the side, not listening to anything. Emma walked over.

"Hey," Emm said leaning up against the wall.

"Hey," she didn't look up.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Go home, there's nothing else I can do..." she said kicking a peace of dirt, "My parents don't even know I'm gone," she whispered.

"Well I hope it gets better.... at home...." Emma said.

"Thanks," Mackenzie sighed, "Bye Emma," she waved and then started to walk off, but then stopped. She turned back around and then suddenly came running in for a hug. She embraced her tight. Emma started to cry.

"I love you Emma," she said waving goodbye.

"Love you to......" Emma turned back around knowing she was going to cry. She walked back into the crowd. Unable to locate anyone. She just kinda stood there.

Suddenly someone grabbed her hand. Emma turned around in shock. Nick, was already running them toured a building. In the back alleyway, Nick looked back.

"Nick? What are you doing?" He looked back at her.

"Just wanted some alone time," Then nick sat down. Emma sat down beside him, she laid her head on Nicks shoulder. She started to close her eyes.

"I love you Nick,"

"I love you to,"

(Omg.... I just finished my first story.... wow... STAY TUNED! We ain't done yet!)

(Seriously though thank you all, I've had a wonderful time Writhing this, thank you all who are still here- Kea❤️)

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