Chapter 9: The first week

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The next week was rough. It will definitely take some getting used to. Only one can of food a day. And only one water a week. How they came to this dissection Emma had no idea, but she didn't care.

When they walked she had other things on her mind. Like what was really out here? What could be out here? It was dry land no water, no food, no fun. She thought of what could live out here. Like snakes, but they could be bigger, she didn't know. Bugs, bugs are different don't need to be defended against. Rogues. Rogues could kill them.

Rogues were a group of people who left the city years ago. They wanted to start a new colony, away from the city. They tried to kill anyone who would get in there way. Witch included them. They could be a major target. Who knew how much food they cared!

She had other things to thing about such as Aaron. For the past week they had grown closer. They sleep next to each other, and talked a lot more.

"What's up?" Nicks question startled her.

"Hi nick, nothing mush what's up with you," she said back after calming down from his surprise.

"You looked like you were thinking, what are you thinking about?" He asks.

Emma hesitated before she answered. She eventually put the words into place.

"I was thinking about the rogues you know about them?" She asks.

"Well yeah, I took a group on once,"

The comment stunned Emma.

"You have been out here! I thought this was your first time!"

"I never told you?" He says confused.

"No! When did you take a group on?" She asked. Still shocked by the situation.

He hesitated. Eventually turned away.

"I don't want to talk about it," he said walking off.

Emma figured it was bad memories for him. But it didn't make sense. They wanted to send a group of completely new members. How did he manage to make it in.

Emma noticed the whole time Emma was talking to Nick her father was watching her. It was oddly strange.

She shook it off and went to go talk to Aaron. They talked for a little while and complained that they did not get enough food or water.

The night was starting to fall quickly. They managed to reached a broken down building by the end of the day.

Emma put her sleeping bag in between Lilly's and Aaron's. The three started talking as they talked Emma's father started at them. Then looked over at Nick.

Nick and her dad made eye contact. Then they both got up and walked outside. Lilly noticed this to and started to get suspicious.

"What do you think there doing," she whispered into Emma's ear.

"I don't know," Emma whispered back.

The next few days the problem repeated. Every night Emma's dad and Nick got up and talked outside. This kept happening over the week. Emma asked Nick what it was about but he just changed the subject.

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