Chapter 8: A kiss into the wild

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The day came in a flash. Aaron was telling Emma of how he yelled at his parents to let him go.

"They finally said I could," he said.

Emma still in tears from yesterday was shaken that she was about to leave.

"It started out with me leaving my house, then my job, then the city," she said shaking.

Aaron realized fast that she was not ok and that his own problems would need to be put aside.

"Look Emma, why are you here?" He asked.

Emma was confused.

"Why am I here? Cause I want to help the city thrive and help us to grow stronger," she responded shaking again.

"Then why are you scared?" He asked.

"Why am I scared! Aaron we have no idea what could be out there! We could die the moment we step out there! We just.... we...." she started breathing heavily.

"Breath, breath your getting worked up...," he said in a sitting voice.

Emma started calming down.

"So what if you do die out there he says, at least you made an effort to help, that's all that matters, and hey if you do get the peace on top of the tower and bring it back, Then you helped even more! You could die out there protections someone that ends up getting the peace. We need to be there for each other," He said.

She calmed down slowly.

"And I'm always here for you, ok?"

"Ok," she said thankfully.

She closed her eyes, starting slowly to lean in, Aaron did too. There lips meat at the perfect moment. It felt like the most calming feeling in the world. Emma wanted it to last forever.

She slowly started to pull away. They both opened there eyes. Emma blushed, big time.

"Ok well, I need to do something's before we go, see yah at the wall...." he said as he slowly left the room.

A kiss of eternity was what's it felt like. Emma had this feeling it would happen again. She did not know when or where. But she hoped soon.


The day they left it was a nightmare. People surround the exit. Screaming, crying,and celebrating. Emma stood next to Aaron shaking again. Nick stood next to her on her other side. Lilly was on the other side of Nick. They were lined up in rows of 7. It did not mater who was in front or in what row. They were all going to the same place.

Emma shook scared. As they looked toured the wall where a large window was slowly rising. She felt something hold her right hand. She looked over and Aaron's soft hands were in her's. she calmed down quickly. She stood strong.

When the window was fully opened the first row of people stepped out, then the second row, then the third and so on. When it came time for there row to step out into the world Emma stood for a second. It was odd. She felt an unsettling feeling as she stepped out the walls. She looked back and she was in the world in the wild.

They started moving forward a set of broken buildings were off in the distance. The large group started to migrate to the buildings. Emma fallowed. Emma noticed as she walked that the world was a lot more bare. Nothing seemed to exist except for the ground. And a few peaces of concrete. She also noticed that Lilly seemed to talk to Nick a lot. Not just now. The days leading up to them leaving Nick and Lilly talking during partner training. It was interesting to see them together.

As they got into the building there was the three group leaders sitting in front of the groups. They explained what the meals would be (a can of soup a day) but sometimes we would get nothing. Also one bottle of water every week. It was going to be hard living in the wild. They say when it is getting dark they would find the closest broken down building to stay in for the night.

That day they had traveled 5 miles. Not a lot. That night Emma thought about all that she had gone through.

This was a crazy new world with limited supply of food, constant travel, and guys. The last thing was almost the only thing on Emma's mind.

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