Chapter 5: Traning

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The first week was not to bad. There were a lot of bumps but Emma got through. There were a few stations the first one was a tower that you could climb, get a peace of the tower and climb down. It was simple for Emma, for Aaron not so much. He kept pushing himself harder and harder Emma did not know why. At every station to.

He would continue to push himself, at the second station to. The station was to doge a group of people coming strait at you while you where holding the peace of the tower. Not just this but at all of the stations. He would come back to the room bruised and hurt.

"Wow he had determination," The coach would say.

He stayed later. Worked harder. Pushed more. This was not good. Emma knew this, it hurt her to see him hurt. But she did not approach him about it. Then there was Lilly.

Lilly was a girl in the group and she had become relatively good friends with Emma. She came to Emma one day during training.

"Aaron's working a little to hard dont you think, I mean not to judge, but once he gets to the actual time to leave he won't be well enough to do it," she said in a worried voice.

Emma didn't realize this and dictated to take the time to talk to him that weekend. After all the kids left the house. She peeked into Aaron's room. Still there.

"Don't you want to go see family, I mean I know your parents are busy they live in the inner city... but everyone has time for family," she said as she stood in the doorway.

Aaron looked up from his hands. They were bruised badly.

"Put it simply I don't need to see my family," he responded mad.

"But why, you always need to make time for fam-"

"No I don't" he cut her off in a yell.

It startled Emma.

"look, I just need time," he said sadly

"This needs to stop Aaron, you hurting yourself to much." She snapped back, "What's wrong?"

He paused for a minute trying to put the words in odder.

"My mother and father work for one of the big companies in the city. I'm the oldest of my two sisters, so my mother wants one of her children to take on the roles that me and my father have. Me being the oldest, they want me to," he pauses and catches his breath,

"If I'm outside the walls at the time they put one of there children in the business, then they can't put me in."

Emma was confused, who would not want to be apart of one of the big companies?

"Why, why don't you want to be in the business?" She asks.

"Because I don't want to be like my dad, he has no time for me or my sisters, he works 24 hours non stop. I haven't seen him since tryouts." He responded.

"Why do you push yourself then?"

"So they don't through me out, if you don't work enough or try to hard they will through you out..." he said sadly.

Emma sat next to him on the bed and gave him a hug. It was one of the best hugs she has had in a long time.

Emma tried to help in the best way she could. Letting him push himself and making him calm down. In that time if Aaron was training on the weekends she made time to spend with Lilly.

"Hey look there is Aaron!" Lilly shouts as her and Emma walked back to there rooms, " Hi Aaron!"

She waves to him as he walks into his room, Emma however walked into the room and put on a pair of flip flops.

"Isn't Aaron so sweet," Lilly says as she waits for Emma,"Kinda cute to..."

Emma blushes. She had not developed any relationships with him. He was just a good friend. But did Lilly like him?

"Do you like him?" Emma asks.

"No, but I think someone else dose," she says as she glares back at Emma.

It took a moment for Emma to realize.

"Me! No no no, he is just a good friend, that's all!"

"Your, blushing" Lilly snapped back. "I mean come on the coach has even noticed it! You guys are so cute together,"

Emma rolled her eyes,

"Come on let's go," they both walk into the hall and out the house door. They both wanted to check out the market that was open every Sunday.

"Are you excited! We get to train with protectors! There a lot of cute ones on that team!" Lilly giggled.

"Oh shush Lilly, obviously Aaron is the cutest!" She said in a sarcastic tone.

They both laughed as they walked around the market. Then she spotted a boy. The one who helped her in the tryouts. She pulled Lilly over to the stand he was at.

"Hey, I just want to thank you for helping me in tryouts!" Emma thanked. "I've never been good with darts,"

"It's no problem, you got selected right for the two teams!" He said back.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, that's a big deal!" Lilly chimed in. "That hasn't happened scene the first tryouts!"

Emma was confused. Then she remembered that her father lead the Healers. He just wanted her on his team.

"Anyway I got to go!" The boy said, "My name is Nick, yours?"

"Emma and this is Lilly"

"Well see ah around Emma, Lilly" he said with a little wink.

Emma rolled her eyes and they continued on.

"Oh, he is kind of cute!" Lilly said quietly.

"Oh gosh Lilly sheesh! One guy and then the next!" Emma snapped back.

But he was a little cute. But she had to focus on the training not boys. But now she was stuck. Did she like Aaron? The thoughts keep rolling in her head all night. Until then next day when she got a nock on her bedroom door.

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