Chapter 13: His pain

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They traveled close to the tower but would not make it to the tower before nightfall. Emma never built up the courage to tell her father about the girl. She didn't seem like a rough. However Emma never knew. She had to be safe.

She never told Lilly about the girl or what she said. Emma knew this was between her and the girl. She had this feeling. An unstinting one.

"So what's up," Lilly said snapping Emma out of her thoughts.

"Nothing," Emma said whispering.

"Do you think something is up with Nick?" Lilly asked and that made Emma look up.

"What do you mean?"

"Well.... I don't know he has been avoiding you. Whenever I mention Aaron to him he always try's to change the subject. I get that he is dea- oh I'm so sorry Emma," she said catching her words.

"No it's fine, continue."

"I know that he saw him die and you did to, but shouldn't he have brushed it off, it's been a week I don't think he knew Aar-"

"He knew him better than you thought," Emma said cutting her off, "He kept a secret from me, and he told no one but Nick, my dad unfortunately used this information for the worst and....."

"Emma I'm so sorry this must be hard for you," she said softly,"But um, who do you think that girl was?"

Emma started walking faster, that was the last thing Emma wanted was to talk about her.
Lilly eventually caught up.

"Ok so not talking about that," Lilly said.

There was another long pause.

"Nick was talking to me earlier, you need to go talk to him," she said sadly.

".....ok I will," the truth is she had been avoiding Nick as well.

When they stopped to rest Emma approached Nick. He was talking with Emma's dad....

"Oh Hello Emma!" Emma's dad said.

Nick did not look up at her.

Emma said very professionally, "dad I need to talk with Nick.... Alone,"

He looked at Nick. Who never looked up.

"Ok," he said walking away surprisingly.

Emma sat down on the ground next to him.

"Hey, Lilly told me to come talk to you,"

"Yeah," he said sadly,"I'm sorry,"

He looked up at Emma he was crying,"I kept a secret from you that you should have known about, then I let your father in on the secret and then......" He started crying more.

"Nick, this was all for your family, it's ok," She said,"Trust me I know how that is,"

There was a silence. Then Emma gave nick a hug. It was nice. Reminded Emma of....., she tried not to think about it.

"Thank you," he whispered into her ear.

Emma nodded in his shoulder, "It must be hard for your family, I mean I live with my mom and I think that's enough," she said laughing as they pulled apart.

Nick laughed, "Honestly, it's not that bad. We have each other to look after and we bounce off each other often,"

"What do you mean?"

"I had a job in a restaurant once, and I ended up getting my younger sister a job there, we help each other,"

That made Emma think, "Wow, I never thought of it like that, I want a sibling now,"

They both laughed. When they stopped, Emma looked into Nick's sea blue eyes. Nick smiled back at her. They leaned in.

"What you guys up to?"

They were instantly pulled apart. They both looked over at Lilly.

"OH. Hi Lilly!" Emma could feel herself blush.

Lilly laughed, "oh sorry am I interrupting?"

"Nope!" Nick and Emma both said at the same time. Lilly at this point was dying laughing.

"Your faces!" She said laughing and pointing at them both. They looked at each other both blushing hard. They blushed even harder when they saw each other.

"Guys?!" Lilly was snapping in front of there faces, when she finally got there attention she continued, " were moving," she said pointing at the group.

They both got up. When Emma stood she saw the girl again, behind a wall. But Nick walked in front of her, by the time he moved, she was gone.

(Sorry just got to say, I love Lilly, she is now my favorite character 😂)

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