Chapter 14: Mackenzie?

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Lilly continued to laugh as they walked. Emma and Nick were a bit awkward from this point on. Nick was still blushing as Lilly laughed. Emma however was focused on the girl. She had forgotten about her for a while and something didn't seem right about her.

"Emma" The laughing stoped, "get behind me," Emma looked up to Nick. Lilly was running toured her protector. Emma quickly got behind Nick.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Rouge," he said softly. Every protector was in front of a retriever. All the Healers were beside the three leaders.

Emma looked out from Nicks back. The girl stood there in front of the group. Emma gasped and then looked at Lilly.

"It's her," Lilly whispered.

She stood there. The hole group reddy to attack at any moment. Then a loud gasp, as the girl pulled something out of her backpack. The peace!

Emma gasped with the others. Who is this girl? Why dose she have the peace.

"Please! I don't want to hurt anyone," she said.

There was a long pause. Then the leader of the protectors pointed to the girl, "Get the peace! She is a rogue!" He yelled with his powerful voice. Everyone started to run for her as she took a step back then covered her head.

"WAIT!" Emma said braking away from Nick's grasp.

She ran towards the girl. Just as one of the boys was about to hit her, Emma stood in front. The boy flinched. Quickly he pulled his hands back.

"Please! DONT HURT HER! We have no idea who she is! There is no proof that she is a rouge!" Emma turned back to the girl, "May I please see the peace?"

The girl looked at Emma. She stood there scared for a minute. She slowly started to put the peace in Emma's hands.

"WAIT!" Emma looked up. Behind the girl a few yards away, stood a guy, "Mackenzie! Please! I know you don't want to do this, bring the peace back to me!"

"You!" Nick screamed, "Its a rouge!"

"Oh fancy meeting you here Nick. Unfortunately I'm not here to deal with you, now Mackenzie! Please,"  the man said.

Mackenzie turned to the crowd. Put the peace back into her bag. She turned to the three captains. Walked over to them, whispered something to them. Then ran,

"Everyone fallow her!" one of the captains screams.

The whole crowd started bolting. Running after the girl. They ran for a long time. What felt like hours to Emma, was only a few minutes. Then the group stoped. Whispers spread through the crowds. Emma stood beside Nick.

"What's going on?" She whispered to him.

"Look," he pointed to Mackenzie. Lying on the ground. Healers surrounded her, "Some say that she was crying as she ran, then just fell on the ground,"

"What do you think happened?" Emma asked confused.

"I don't know, but I think someone's going to find out," Nick said nudging Emma, "You seem to have talked to her nicely. I knew you were a soft person under your tough skin," he said with a wink.

Emma blushed, she always knew she was a soft person. She just tried not to show it. She had acted tough for as long as she could remember.

Mackenzie was lifted by one of the Healers. The three Captains lead the rest of the group into one of the broken buildings near by.

Emma's dad tapped on her shoulder when they got inside, "Emma we need you," he lead her to the girl sitting on the floor.

"What do want me to do?" She asked confused.

"Talk to her," he said. Emma got even more confused.

"Hello, Mackenzie right?" Emma asked politely.

"Yes, nice to finally see you, like for more than a minute," she said, then they both laughed, "Oh! Right you don't know who I am!"

"Huh?" Emma asked confused.

"Let me properly introduce myself," Some of the whispers went silent, more people wanted to listen, "I'm Mackenzie, or..... Aaron's...sister,"

Emma backed up. Was she really Aaron's sister. Did she know about his death? Emma felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry! I don't mean to make you cry. I didn't want to tell you wh-" her sentence was cut off by Emma's hug. She held her tight. If anything she just felt like holding someone who clearly is also suffering from the same problem.

"Emma?" Mackenzie said as she pulled away from Emma's shoulder. Emma's face full of tears,"I'm sorry! I know how hard this is for you! And it is for me two but, why hug me?"

Emma looked at her with a soft face, "I understand that you going through the same thing and I guess that it helps me," Emma's face turned to a serous face, "But now is not the time to talk about that. So who was that guy?"

Mackenzie looked down,"He is not important, What is important is that the rouges had the peace and I worked around them to get it back to you," she paused, "Aaron would want me to do that....."

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