Chapter 11: Rebels attack

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Emma approached Nick slowly. He was talking with other protectors.

"Hey," she said, never making eye contact.

Nick waved to the other kids and looked at Emma.

"Hey, what's up," he said trying for the conversion not to be awkward.

Emma took a deep breath. Slowly she spoke.

"Who is the girl you were talking about,"

He looked confused and stunned.

"W..what do you mean?" He asked trying to be confused.

"The girl, yeah know the one that you and my dad were talking about," she seemed very loud.

Nick asked her to stay quiet. Then he pulled her away from the group.

He looked around as Emma stood confused.

"Ok look Emma I can't tell you who she is," he said quietly.

"Why!" Emma asked loudly.

"Emma quiet, were entering rebel territory," he said softly.

Emma stood scared knowing that she could have just let the whole group of rebels know that they were there.

Then they herd a nose. A twig snap. They both looked behind them.

Emma could not actually believe what she was seeing. She stood there ready to run. Rebels. A big group.

Then they moved, the whole group in the same motion. Then they ran.

Emma had never been so scared in her life.

Her and nick ran as fast as her legs could take her, she tripped multiple times.

She looked behind her, a knife had Emma's name written on it. The man was a a few yards behind her.

Her pulled the knife back, threw. Emma was ready, she had given up.

But the knife never hit. She turned around. There she saw Aaron. In front of her. It took her a moment to realize what happened.

Aaron stood unsteady. A few moment later he fell to his nee's. Emma stood there helpless. Afraid. Alone. Never before has she felt such pain.

"AARON," she screamed as she ran to him.

She grabbed his hands as he lay on his nee's knife in his chest. 

"AARON, AARON YOU IDIOT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT," she said screaming, crying.

He looked up at her. Put his hand on her cheek.  Then it hit her. Like a click in her head. His had there on her cheek.

She sat there helpless. Nothing else in the world mattered. The pain was so unbelievable real. It hurt bad. Now that she new who he was it hurt more.

"I love you Emma," he said as he fell to the ground.

She sat there. No words. No sounds. Nothing.

"AARON, AARON YOU IDIOT, WHY....." she could barely breathe. She could not speak anymore. Her face filled with tears.

She looked over at Nick. He stood there helpless. Just as Emma.

The rebels started to run toured them.

Nick jumped in front of them. Picked up Emma and ran.

As soon as Emma realized what was happening. She screamed. She wanted to go back to them so bad. So terribly bad.

When she started to calm down she started to connect peaces in her head. Then she knew who the girl was.

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