Chapter 10: Something about him...

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The odd talks outside grew more and more frequent over the next few days. Sometimes Lilly would talk to Nick about it but then he would just walk to talk to other protectors. One night Emma's need to know what was going on got the best of her.

Right as they were walking out. Emma crept behind them hid behind a wall near where they were talking.

"She has continued to talk to him constantly, but I don't think she knows yet," Nicks voice said softly.

"Knows about there relationship, well of course she doesn't, it happened in kindergarten, she would not remember," Her dad spoke back softly.

Emma was beyond confused. Who were they talking about? Why did they worry so much about her relationships? Why is my dad in this? Why is nick involved in it? The questions ran around in her mind.

"I think that it's better that she doesn't know about him, it makes her connect to him less," her dad spoke.

There was a pause.

"I don't know..... I think it looks a little suspicious that we come out here and talk every night," Nick whispered loudly.

"I agree, we will need to find a better way for us to talk," her dad mumbled and then walked inside. She went back in another entrance by her sleeping bag and sat down, before they came back in.

She gave Nick this stare, and it made him clearly uncomfortable. He didn't look at her again. He went and sat down, talked to a few other of his friends. Then the food was passed out.

Emma was handed a can of food by a girl and they started eating. She constantly looked over at nick, but the wall of mystery kept them from interacting. It was a constant he looks at her, she looks away. She looks at him, he looks away. They never made eye contact.

"What's wrong?" Lilly's voice snapped her out of her gaze.

"I herd what they were talking about...." Emma said as she twirled the spoon in her soup cup.

"What was it about," Aaron chimed in.

He to had been noticing the odd conversations and wanted in on Lilly and Emma's plan.

"Some girl here, and a guy, they have known each other since kindergarten but the girl doesn't know it, there watching them," Emma summarized the conversation so quickly she was not even sure she could understand herself.

Aaron seemed a bit confused confused at first, his expression then changed to a surprised and shocked look.

"I'm going to go outside, be right back," he said in a mad voice.


Emma and Lilly looked at each other as both Aaron and Nick walked outside. They stayed out there for so long that Emma fell asleep.

The next day Emma woke up people still asleep. She rolled over in her sleeping bag to Aaron still asleep. He looked so familiar in that moment. She knew there was something about him. But what?

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