Chapter 6: Traing in two

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"Hey you coming to breakfast?" Lilly asked as she opened the door.

"Oh! right just let me get dressed!" Emma raced to her closet to change.

She put on her training clothes and tennis shoes. She an Lilly walked down into the hall to enjoy a well made breakfast. Emma sat next to Aaron and Lilly as usual. In a week they would be setting out. In a week they would leave the city. Emma was ready.

After breakfast Lilly pulled Emma aside.

"Look Emma, I haven't know you for that long but from what I can tell... you have grown softer since tryouts..." Lilly whispered.

Emma just noticed this. She was getting softer. A little to soft. She needed to snap her head back into the game.

"Your right, thank you Lilly!" She gave Lilly a hug as they walked out the door.

They were lead into a big room with lots of towers and courses. There were already people lined up at rows.

"Emma you will be with," the man looked down a list on his clipboard, "Nick,"

The man pointed tours a boy. As she got closer she recognized the boy. The guy from yesterday at the market!

"Hello beautiful! Good to see you again!" He said as she walked up.

Emma rolled her eyes.

"Nick, I'm here so I can help the city not to flirt, so let's please focus." She snaps back.

Nick laughed. He clearly did not take the position as a serious one.

"Ok, ok. I will focus, but only for you."

Emma just ignored him at this point. There was no use on telling him to stop.

"Ok kids, so now we are going to be doing protecting and retriever training. The aim is for the protectors to protect the retrievers up until the point when you get to the tower. Then the retriever will retrieve the peace on top of the tower. Then they will climb back down and make it all the way back to the place ware you started." The man with the clipboard screams.

"Remember this is not a race," he says, "Ready go!"

A siren sounds and teams start running. Emma and nick bolt off. Nick is in the front however. He hits away any falling rocks that come there way. When we get to the tower he stops. And turns around quickly and says,

"Jump on my shoulders!" He screams.


"Just do it!" He screams again.

Emma decides in a quick second to trust him. She stepped on to his shoulders and boosted her up onto the tower further than most of the kids who already started climbing. She races as fast as she can to the top, grabs the peace and then slides back down on the pipes. Then they run back the same way they ran on the first run.

They make it back before any other team.

They do the same exercise for over an hour now and everyone was getting tiered.

"Ok guys, you can head back to the houses good training today! Tomorrow you will see a sign on your door saying who your partner is," the same guy says.

All of the kids start to shuffle back to the rooms. Before Emma entered her room though nick came up to her.

"Hello again!" He says politely.

"Hey, I'm tired so can I go," she responds.

He grabs her hand.

"But I wanted to talk to you. How about this. We go out for lunch on Saturday!"

Emma thought about it. She did want to get to know nick. Then she remembered how he behaved today. He was to flirty in the middle of training. It didn't work. Another thing was that Emma was planing to talks to her mom on Saturday because it was the last day before they left.

"I'm sorry, nick but no," she said as she walked into the house door.

She didn't bother to look back. She just closed the door. She come into a Aaron. He seemed happy for some reason.

"Well. That was harsh, you didn't even let him say 'ok'!" He says with a chuckle.

"He was flirting with me today at training," she said as they walked into the hall.

"You can't blame a guy from trying, and I can see why, you are very pretty," he responded.

"Oh hush," she snaps back in a joking way, "I'm not as cute as any of the other girls here,"

Aaron laughed as he walked into his room. For some reason his smile made her happy. She couldn't explain why. But it did, she fell asleep happy. Witch she hadn't done in a long time.

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