'Bossy' Material

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Nicki's Home
August 26, 2017
10:58 P.M.

I don't know what came over me, but I just got so horny and I couldn't help it. Her in them damn shorts was putting me in a trance. That kiss was the best one I've ever had.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Nicki climb on the bed.

"Now Ms. Beyonce, do you think that its against building policy for boss and coworker to sleep together?", she asked while she was crawling to me. She looked so sexy right now.

"I dont care. I'm the boss and they can mind their own business.", I said and grabbed her up and made her straddle me. She moaned and smiled at me.

"Oh Bey, you're so bad."

I kissed along her neck and she held my head as I went down further. I think I'm wetter than her because I've already started doing that like a couple of hours ago.

I kissed around her neck to find her sweet spot then, once I found it I started sucking on it.

"Bey, baby.", she moaned and I got even more excited when she started to grind on me.

She flipped us over and giggled at my shocked expression. But then, she figured out that I was on top now and flipped us over again.
"Bey!", Nicki yelled making me snap out of my daze. Wait, that was all a dream.


"Are you okay? You seem kinda out of it.", she said inspecting me and I chuckled.

"I'm fine, Nicki. Just daydreaming, that's all.", I said trying to convince myself. That was too realistic.

"Alright, you want to go into the theater room?"

"Aren't the twins still in there?"

"Yeah, that's why there's another one, but all adult movies.", she said as she led me to it.

We walked in and it was way bigger than the other one and the stack of movies was indeed adult movies.

"So, which one do you want to watch?"

"I wanna watch a funny movie. Madea.", I said and she picked up the whole series of Madea.

"Do you want to start from the beginning or go backwards."

"Backwards. I haven't seen the Halloween one yet."

She nodded and put the tape in the movie recorder. We got snacks and sat down and watch the whole series of Madea laughing our asses off. I really want to meet Tyler Perry and ask him, "How do you do it?"
Knowles Company
November 25, 2017
10:59 A.M.

"Yes mommy, I will be there tonight."

"Alright, and are you going to bring your little friend that you keep talking about?", she asked and I blushed and looked at Bey too focused in her work.

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I was gonna go to my parents house and have dinner with my big ass family. And to add on to that disaster, I'm bringing the kids and Bey. So they're will be... 149 people in one whole house.

Lord, pray for me.

"Yes, mommy I will. We already talked about all that."

"Okay, well I have to go. I'll see y'all later. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

I put my phone down crossed my legs and went back to work.

After like an hour, it was lunch time. Me and Bey walked to our own cars and drove to Starbucks.

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