Chillin' Time

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Nicki's Mom's House
November 27, 2017
10:29 P.M.

"Nicki, come here for a second.", I asked her and she kinda hesitated and sat on her knees while looking at me. I pulled her on my lap and she kind of gasped at the sudden move. I've been waiting for this exact moment.

Now you see, I've been feeling Nicki for a while now, but I don't know if she'll be able to handle me or the secret that I have been keeping from her. It's just all too much now, but right now I don't care what she thinks, I know she'll be by my side every step of the way.

"Nicki, there's something I've been hiding from you.", I finally said after a long pause.

"Bey, you can tell me anything. I don't care what it is.", she said looking into my eyes and I nodded.

"U-um I-I, well I w-was born with a-a d...dick", I finally got out and after what felt like forever of silence she started much.

"Y-you really think that I would have a problem with that?", she asked me and I shrugged staying quiet.

"Oh Bey, I don't care really. I mean it's your body and you can do whatever you want with it. I wouldn't even care if you had a pussy and a dick. Hey, double the pleasure. Plus, the twins have them too, so if I would've said 'No I don't like you with a dick', then that would just be wrong.", she said and I laughed at her little joke feeling better.

"I thought you would be disgusted... like my parents was.", I said looking down.

"Bey, if you don't want to talk about it right now you don't have to.", she told me and I nodded. I really didn't want to bring that part of my past because that was when my parents actually didn't care, but what did they expect. I have a fucking dick for crying out loud, so I don't know why they thought I was going to dick in a nigga's asshole, hell no.

"Go to sleep Bey, I don't want you to be tired at the morning breakfast.", she said and she still laid in my lap while singing me a very soothing song which made me fall asleep fast.
Mom's House
November 28, 2017
8:38 A.M.

All of us sat at the dinning table smacking away on mom's famous Thanksgiving breakfast.

All of us sat at the dinning table smacking away on mom's famous Thanksgiving breakfast

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Then, everyone started asking Bey a lot of questions.

"So Bey, where do you work?", my mom asked

"I have my own company, The Knowles Company.", she said and they all nodded impressed.

"Do you have any kids?", Anika asked folding her arms and making this certain face making her look like me even more. I shook my head and smiled while Bey chuckled.

"No I don't, I can't because I don't have the body part to get pregnant.", she said and they all nodded and let the subject go, but I know my mom will be all up on her.

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