Happy Trails, Kid

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November 25, 2018
3:35 AM

I'm on my laptop editing my video from earlier today in my bed. I know I should be asleep right now but I'm not really tired, so I thought I would do this. 

Once I was done and waited for it to upload, I sat it beside me and grabbed my phone and went downstairs to grab a little snack. I went into the cabinets and grabbed honey buns, hot fries, and a sprite. I then went to the living room and binged watched Big Mouth on Netflix.

After that season, I then put on Nailed It! Then, I heard little footsteps and I saw Nicki rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Babe, why are you up this early?"

"I've been up all night actually. I just haven't been that tired.", I shrugged.

"Well, now I'm up. What you watchin?", she said as she flopped next to me and snatched the hot fries out of my hand. I pouted and she stuck a couple of more fries in my mouth and I winked at her. She blushed as she sneaked her way into my lap facing the TV and I kissed her cheek.

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for the next 3 hours because I woke up all sprawled out on the couched and drool on my arm. I wiped my mouth and went up to the bathroom to brush my teeth and that's when I noticed the smell of food and I went back downstairs to see Nicki dancing around with the girls and cooking.

I smiled and took my phone out to take a video. Throughout the video, I was thinking about me and Nicki's relationship and everything we've been through together. On the 30th is our One Year Anniversary and I couldn't be even more excited, but I'm supposed to act like I'm not... let me explain.

I'm going to act like I didn't know about our anniversary that day and pass through her attitude and take care of last minute things for the party that I have planned for the both of us. Her mom agreed to fly in the rest of her family from Trinidad to here, and I already texted Kehlani, and the friends that she made in the YouTube business said that they'll make it. I have a yacht rented out and a extra special surprise. 

"Bey! You kinda spaced out, are you okay?", Nicki asked snapping her fingers in faced and that's when I realized that she was finished with breakfast. 

"Yea I'm fine. Let's eat!", I exclaimed and she laughed as I quickly took a plate and started piling food on it like a buffet. I saw her smile at me out of the corner of my eye as I sat at the dining room table.

"So, what's for the agenda today?", I asked digging in.

"Don't know. I was just thinking today could be a chill day.", Nicki shrugged as she started eating too.

"Well, I was thinking that I could take you girls out, you know, a little girl's day out.", I suggested and the girls nodded very quickly. I laughed as Nicki smiled.

"Yeah, that would be nice baby. We would love that.", she smiled and I nodded and smiled too.


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