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I just don't know what to do anymore. My life had been hell for almost 7 years and I need some kind of miracle to happen to me.

I think my parents think I'm a failure as their kid. I think I can make a list...

1. Making me read an educational book every 2 weeks and write a 3 page essay until school starts.

2. Mother just told me that she will take me to summer school next year. That makes me upset that would actually PAY for that.

3. I can't even trust her around my phone because of the last she snooped through my PERSONAL DMs with my friend and went to my dad about it.

4. Ever since I was FORCED to tell them I was lesbian, it's like they want to perfect me in every other way.

5. Stressing me out about school and telling me that I have to have straight A's and I'm going into high school and the school put me in two algebra classes... 😳😳

To you, this might not be a big deal. I just really need a breakthrough. I've been trying to work on being a music artist because I really love to sing and I've been writing songs for a while. I just want to be able to show my parents that I'm not perfect, but I can also help show them how hurt I've been feeling for a long time.

Anyway, I just had to let that out and you guys have been really great reading and voting on my stories and I thank you so much. This app is the only place where my parents can't dictate anything I do...  I'm free here and I love it.

Okay, thank you for hearing me out and I love you all.

xoxo Pasha

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