Appreciation Day

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December 8, 2017
4:39 A.M.

"Baby... baaaabbyyy.... love, its time to get up.", I heard Nicki's voice and I intentionally whined. I didn't mean to, it just came out.

 I didn't mean to, it just came out

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"But, I'm very, very tired...", I trailed off trying to go back to sleep. She slapped my ass making me yelp and jump up.

"Okay, okay. I'm up, why did you wake me up baby girl? Also, happy birthday"

"Thank you. I woke you up because this is the start of the best day of your life. All of the things that we will do today will be by surprise... to you. So, don't try and get it out of me because I'm not telling a damn thing.", she said as she went in my closet. While she was in there I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I saw her sitting on the bed with my suitcase by it.

"Baby, where are we going?"

"Like I said, I'm not telling you a damn thing.", she said zipping her lips closed and I smiled.

"Okay, fine."

"Great. You can bring the puppies too.", she said as she got up and grabbed both of them while I got their stuff.

"Okay, do you have everything that you need and I do mean everything that you need."

"Yes, love. I got everything."

I trust Nicki with my life and so much more, but her making me where this blindfold is making me even more curios then I already was

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I trust Nicki with my life and so much more, but her making me where this blindfold is making me even more curios then I already was. After like 5 minutes I felt the car stop.

"Okay, you can take your blindfold off."

I took it off and saw that we were at her mom's house. I was confused, but I didn't question it.

I grabbed Jet and Rocket and rolled my suitcase to the door. I saw that it was already open and Momma Carol was standing in the middle of it holding her hands out.

"Hey sweet baby."

"Hey Momma Carol.", I said hugging her. She grabbed the dogs and walked inside playing with them. I went to help Nicki with the rest of the bags and put all of them in her room. I went back into the living room and saw everyone waiting for me I guess in the living room.

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