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(New content! I don't know if you'll like it or not so...🤗🤗)

December 15, 2018
9:10 AM

"Come on Bey. We gotta be at the doctor's appointment by 10.", Nicki says waking me up and I groaned as she kissed my shoulder.

"I will get up under one condition..."

"Seriously Bey. Get yo ass up and get in the shower. Ole horny ass.", she mumbled as she got up and went into the closet and I laughed and got up to go to the shower anyway.

After I got done I moisturised and put on my undergarments and went in the closet to find Nicki looking around trying to find what to wear. I laughed at her cute face and walked up to her.

"You okay?"

"Yea I just don't know what to wear.", she says putting her hand on her hip. She was only in her bra and underwear and her almost 2 month belly was showing out. You wouldn't think that she was 2 months, she looks about 4 months to be honest.

"Well since it's a bit chilly, how about a sweater dress or something where you can stay warm."

"Well what are you going to wear. I want us to somewhat match.", she says all cute like and I chuckled.

"I'm wearing something that keeps me warm. So go ahead and get in the shower, I'm pretty sure you'll figure something out when you're done."

She nodded and pecked my lips before she walked out. I grabbed the clothes I wanted to wear and went downstairs to grab a snack.

 I grabbed the clothes I wanted to wear and went downstairs to grab a snack

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I then went to the living room to watch some TV. I waited a few more minutes and that is when Nicki came downstairs and I smiled at how we were kinda low-key matching. She didn't even have to see what I had on.

 She didn't even have to see what I had on

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"You didn't have to look at what I had on.", I joked and she rolled her eyes and smiled. She then went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and grabbed the keys to on of her favorite cars.

"I'm driving!", she yelled before I could even say anything. I laughed and nodded as I opened the door for her and she smiled. I then walked on my side and we were off to the doctor's appointment... after a quick trip to McDonald's.
Doctor's Office
December 15, 2018
10:26 AM

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