Secret Agent

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December 20, 2018
12:33 AM

I walked into the building with my gift basket for Bey

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I walked into the building with my gift basket for Bey. She's been hibernating here for so long because she wants to get all of the work out of the way so she can stay at home for the pregnancy. I appreciated that a lot, but she always comes home late and then goes to the home office. I get that she is the owner and she has a lot on her shoulders... she could at least say hi though. I brushed it off though, that's why I came here to surprise her for lunch. I went up to her secretary and she smiled at me.

"Hi, Mrs. Knowles. What can I do you for?", I smiled at her saying, Mrs. Knowles. Only 3 more months and that'll be my official last name.

"I'm here for Bey. She's not busy is she?"

"She definitely is, but I'm pretty sure you can take all of her stress away. Go ahead on up.", she says and I thanked her and walked to the elevator. I went all the way up to the top floor and walked down this long ass hallway almost giving up since I was running out of breath. I was finally in front of her door, but I saw a desk next to me. I saw a very young girl sitting there typing away on her computer. I made sure to catch my breath before asking any questions.

"Hi, may I ask who you are?"

"Hi, I'm Billie. Beyonce's new assistant."

She got up to shake my hand and I accepted

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She got up to shake my hand and I accepted. She had mesmerizing eyes like Bey did and confidence. I smiled to introduced myself but she beat me to it.

"You're her fiance. She told me a lot about you, but mostly the dimples.", she smiles and I blushed. 

"Well, it is nice to meet you, Billie. I am here to surprise my stressful fiance. She's not in a meeting is she?", I asked figuring out I could've asked the secretary.

"No ma'am, she's free right now. You can go ahead and go in.", she said sitting back down and I was about to walk in but I stopped.

"How old are you?"

"16. She says I'm the youngest person who is trustworthy enough to work here."

"Well be honored. She doesn't really open up to people like me and you."

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