Chaos Pt. 1

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March 25, 2019
1:23 PM

I was in my office editing the video that Nicki and I had just finished. We were doing a Q&A and it was pretty fun with all of the different questions and concerns especially about Nicki and the babies. 

Speaking of, we went to her doctor's appointment yesterday and she's 6 months now. We were able to do the 3D ultrasound and I cried like a bitch, but I was just so happy that I could physically see my babies before I could physically hold them. It was a very touchy moment for me. All my life, I've dreamed of meeting the girl of my dreams and her having my kids and I am living that dream and I am so happy that Nicki is that person.

She is a lot to handle pregnant, not gonna lie. She woke me up at 3 in the morning wanting me to go get her a Big Mac, large fry, and a large caramel frappe from McDonald's. She's lucky they were open for 24 hours too or we both would be pissed. Then, my company had a fundraiser for the LGBTQ+ community and during my speech, she did all these sexual moves and kept winking at me and mouthing how she's going to take me down when we get home. 

She didn't... she fell asleep in the car.

I've never been around pregnant women, so I didn't know what to do for the first few months. Nicki's hormones were going out of control one day and I had my first panic attack. She felt guilty and made sure not to ask me for a lot of things but, after a talk with her mom, she made me feel a lot better. I never had any strong black mothers to look up to, but I'm so grateful that Nicki's mom accepted me and gave me the advice that my mom never gave me.

I even met Nicki's dad. He's in the Army, so he has to go out of the country a lot for a long time and Nicki never really talks about it. They aren't able to talk as much so she doesn't want the thought of her never talking to her dad again. I was able to pull a few strings since I know a few people in the Military and was able to get her dad to stay here until after the wedding, which is in August. 

It was on New Years and he was able to see Autumn and Summer after a long time. After he got through all of the family members he got to me. 


"So, you're the one that's been keeping my family safe?", he says as he looked me up and down. Don't get me wrong, I feel very intimidated. He's a pretty ripped guy.

"Yes, that's me, sir. Your family is very welcoming.", I say and he circles me.

"Mhm. What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Dad, seriously she's already pregnant.", Tyson says and everyone agreed, but I didn't move a muscle. I looked over at Nicki and she looked at me apologetically.

"That's the issue. I have never met the woman and yet, she goes and gets my oldest daughter pregnant.", he sarcastically laughs then stops. "I don't give a damn if this was the second time she got my baby girl pregnant, I'm still waiting on an answer." He stares at me coldly "What are your intentions with my daughter?"

I gulped, "I don't mean any harm, sir. When I first met her, I never thought that we would be in this moment right now. But, I guess love takes its path.", I say and then looked over at Nicki. "I wouldn't have let her go anyway. I couldn't let anyone else take the precious jewel that I knew was destined to be mine." She looks as if she was about to cry and I looked back over at her dad who had the same look. "Mr. Maraj I love your daughter and your family. They made me feel like I can be myself around them and that is something that my family never did. So even if you don't want me to be with your daughter anymore, you will always see me around because I have no one else to turn to."

He stares at me for a while, then softens up. "Well damn Knowles, I didn't think you would go that deep.", her dad says before laughing loud while I looked at him confusedly and everyone else laughing also. "I was just messing with you. Welcome to the family."

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