Chaos Pt. 2

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August 25, 2019
5:00 PM

"Everybody, get ready for the newlyweds, Beyonce, and Nicki Knowles!"

We both walked out holding hands and smiling widely while everyone cheered

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We both walked out holding hands and smiling widely while everyone cheered. To say I was happy would be an understatement. I am ecstatic. I am now married to the woman of my dreams who gave me 5 beautiful children and a family I've always wanted. Speaking of, I see Talia, Brianna, Richard, and Michael sitting at a table smiling also. 

We've all talked and they didn't know anything about me. They burned all of my family pictures and pretended like I didn't exist and that hurt to the core. But, I was happy that I had siblings of my own. Yes, I adore and love Nicki's with all of my heart, but I wanted that older sister feeling also. I just didn't want to be selfish so I didn't say anything.

"I'm glad you guys could make it.", I said hugging all of them. After Richard divorced Tina, he was able to get full custody of Talia since Brianna and Michaelson were over 18. I didn't know what happened during court, but it well by how happy she looks. 

"We wouldn't dare miss it. Just like with Nicki's family, we are here for you. Whenever you need us.", Rich says and I nodded thanking them. After an hour, it was time to cut the cake and I pulled Nicki closer to me as we cut it together and she smeared some on my face. I raised my eyebrow and slapped my hand in the icing and smeared it all over her face and she huffed a laugh. She then pulled me into a close-by bathroom.

"Seriously, Beyonce. You lucky this makeup is 24 hour.", she says and carefully tried to get the icing off of her face and hand while I licked my off. 

"Well, I had to get you back, baby.", I say and got closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "How are you feeling, Mrs. Knowles."

She blushes. "I feel like this is somehow a dream and I don't ever want to wake up. I feel like you are just an imaginary person that completes the perfect person that I've wanted ever since I was little. I feel like this is some kind of mindful trick." She turned around and kissed my lips. "Then, I see that you're real. Your personality, your mind, your wiseness, your dick." I laughed at how she changed her mood quickly. 

"I'm as real as real can get. Remember that.", I said and pecked her forehead. "Now, let's get back out there. They probably think we fucking."

"I mean we can make that happened.", she says trying to reach down but I caught her hand before she could.

"Honeymoon, baby. Be patient." She rolled her eyes and walked out before me and laughed at her attitude before going out after her.


I was holding Maxine and Tyler while Nicki had Oliver and Autumn and Summer stood in front of us. We were doing pictures before we left and I wanted to make sure they were perfect before we had to go. After a few with them, Nicki got one with her parents and siblings and I was able to get one with my little family and then it was a whole group photo with everyone. Even Jet and Rocket. 

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