Chapter one

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          "I can't believe this is actually happening!" Seventeen year old Steph Robertson says on her cell phone, talking to her boyfriend Gregory 'Greg' Thompson. "I know babe, you're finally going to attend Greendale University with me, I can't wait!" Steph was a average girl, had long auburn brown hair, green eyes, and was so pale you'd think she was a ghost! She was just finishing up her senior year in high school. Her boyfriend Greg graduated a year before her, and sadly went to GU for a year. Greg was a football player, the star quarterback all throughout his life! He had the cutest dimples when he smiled. He had a strong build to himself, was also white as a ghost, had chestnut brown hair that was spiked, and the cutest blue eyes, you could just drown in them. "Me either love, I've waited a year, I can't wait anymore." Steph says excitedly.

          "Get out of my way Stephie!" An annoying voice comes from behind Steph. "Ugh Isabelle it's a big hallway, you can walk around!" She rolls her eyes and does exactly that. Isabelle sweet aka Isa was the head cheerleader, most popular girl in high school. She was also very jealous of Steph! For that reason who knows, but all throughout junior high and high school she'd try and one up Steph. "Babe?" Greg says on the other line. "Ugh, sorry babe, the she devil was just trying to get to me!" "I know, I heard, but don't worry love, a few more hours and we'll be together again." "Have I mentioned how much I can't wait for that!" She smiled. "Me either baby, I should let you go and pack, see you soon." "Okay love, bye, see you soon." She smiles and hangs up the phone. Steph grabs her book bag and walked to her car, heading to her mothers house to say her goodbye and then on the road.

          It only took a hour to drive from the school to her house. "Mom I'm home!" She heard her mom in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie I made some on the road cookies." Steph smiled as she noticed her bags already packed, her mom was helping. "Thanks mom, for everything. Steph kissed her moms head and hugged her. "You're very welcome, oh I can't believe my baby girl is going off to university!" Her mom says hugging her daughter tighter. "Me either, and you don't got to worry, Gregory will be there, protecting me, he's been texting me all day, says he has room for me in his dorm." Her mom smiles. "That's great honey, he's a good guy, I'm glad you met him. Steph smiled. "Me too, being away from him for a year was brutal, but it gave me time to work on my grades so I can attend the same university!" Steph's mom smiles, bags the cookies, and hands her daughter her luggage. "You'd better get going on the road love, text me the minute you arrive, good luck and enjoy these next four years sweetie, I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too mom, and I will, goodbye mom, I love you." Steph says, grabbing her luggage and cookies and heading out the door, going back to her car.

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