Chapter Twenty-Five

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*In police station*
"You have no idea what you're doing officer, you have no evidence against me!" Tyler says angrily. "Oh but we do, have a seat sir, this could take a while." The officer says. "What do you have on me?" Tyler asked. Just then his phone vibrates, a text from Isa! 'OMG Ty, my dearest Ty...they know....everything, I can't be seen around that stupid campus anymore, good luck honey.' Tyler puts down his phone. "We know that you are related to the victim, he was your distant cousin, is that right?" Asked the police officer. "Well...yeah that's true, but what does that have to do with anything?" Tyler hesitated to ask. "We've put everything together Tyler!" The officer says, slamming a folder onto the table in front of him. "I...don't know what you're talking about." Tyler says. "We know that your girlfriend was a softball player before she became head cheerleader, she was a pro at it too, could hit anything with that bat, even some poor defenseless mans head!" The officer says. "You and this Isabelle lady came up with this whole thing, she posed as Ronald's girlfriend, made him fall for her, then when he least expected it, wham! She hits him in the head with her bat! We have the murder weapon in evidence, oh it's taken some time, but we finally caught you!" "No, my girlfriend is Steph, Steph Robertson, not this Isabelle women." He tries to explain. "Oh poor sweet Steph, she was just a pawn in your little evil plan, Isabelle told you of her hatred towards Steph, so she convinced you to invite her rival in with you, get cozy, make her fall for your every move, and it worked." She says in a 'you're going away for a long time' tone of voice. The doors opened to the police station and in walked Gregory and Steph. "Sorry officer, my g...uh good friend here wanted to see for herself if this was all true." Greg says, giving Tyler a nasty look. " what they're saying true Ty?" Steph asked, playing with the ends of her hair. "Tell her the truth you liar!" Greg says angrily. "Yes my poor unsuspecting girl, everything is true, I, along with my girlfriend Isabelle are behind this whole scheme, she killed him, he wasn't anyone really, just some dimwit cousin from my mothers side, so no harm done." Tyler confessed, Steph buried her face into Greg's chest, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I can't believe I fell for a guy like you!" She sobbed as the police officer took him away and behind bars. "Come on Steph, let's get out of here, okay?" Greg suggested. She nods her head and follows him out. They drive back to the campus dorms. "So um, I know this is a crappy time to ask but...will you move back in with me, I mean you can't go back to that house, it's owned by a psychopath, please?" Greg asked. "I have a better idea, how about you move in with me, into the house, Tyler is going to be locked up for a while, may as well take full advantage, right?" Steph says, smiling. "Oh right on, I know we can't go back to dating, but we can rebuild to that...right?" He says hopefully. "Right, come on new roommate let's get your stuff." Steph says smiling.

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