Chapter Six, Seven, Eight& Nine

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Authors note: these three chapters were short so I decided to combine them. I hope your enjoying my story.
(In Isa's room)
*crying* "I just can't believe this is happening to me!" Isa whined to Greg. "If you ask me, that guy looked like a looser, you don't deserve someone like him." Greg says sympathetically. Isa stopped crying then. "Oh Gregory I knew you cared about me!" "Isa...don't do this..." Greg says. "Do what hon? Oh come on Gregory it's not like we never dated before, we can again, you just have to dump that wannabe college girl Gregory."
Steph almost bumped her head against the wall. "They....used to date? When?" Steph asked aloud to herself. This was news to her, news she didn't want to know. She laid her head on her pillow and let the tears fall.

Half an hour later the door opened, Steph wiped the remaining years away and sat up. "Man..." Greg put his hand through his hair. "That girl is...something." Steph was quiet, she didn't know what to say, or how to ask the obvious questions. Greg sensed this and was now worried. "Babe...are you okay?" His eyebrows went up in confusion and worry. "No." Was all she could say, visions of him and Isa were going through her head. "'s up? You can tell me anything, you know that...right." Steph rolled her eyes at that last part. "Oh like you tell me everything!" She heard herself snap, her anger and sadness coming to a boil. "Whoa...Steph...where is this coming from?" Greg asked, even more confused. "How long?" Steph asked through gritted teeth. "What..?" Greg gave her a 'I have no clue what you're talking about' look. "How long did you date Isa!?" Steph shouted, Greg's face fell, busted. "Steph...I...look..." Before he could finish his sentence the door was busted down by two very muscular cops. "Gregory Thompson you are under arrest for the murder of Ronald Rose." Suddenly everything went quiet, to Steph anyway, she couldn't process what was going on, she tried tuning back in as she saw her boyfriend being hand cuffed! "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do could lead to consequences." Greg and Steph looked into each other's eyes for a second. "What is this about officers?" Steph finally asked, coming to her senses. "Miss I'd suggest you remain silent, your boyfriend is going behind bars for a long time." The officer that looked the biggest says. "He...he didn't kill anyone!" Steph shouted, tears falling down her face.

Steph watched as the police took Greg away, out the door, she tried to follow, but they stopped her at the door. Isa's door opened and her mouth dropped. "What's going on Steph?" She used Steph's real name for a change. "Th-they're taking him away, they accused him of killing 'your' boyfriend!" Tears streamed down her face. "Really they found a lead?" Isa asked a little to excited. "No they did_" Before Steph could finish her sentence Isa ran off. "Ugh this isn't happening!" Steph says aloud. She decided to head to the police station herself, she needed answers!

Five minutes and a large cup of coffee later(this calms her nerves) , she was ready to confront the officers. She finished the coffee and closed her car door, deciding on what her next move was. 'Come on Steph, he may possibly be a cheating low life, but right now he's your wrongly accused boyfriend and you've got to find answers!' Steph told herself, she walked towards the door. She saw the exact officer who took Greg away, perfect. "Excuse me, officer, my name is Steph Robertson, I'm the girlfriend of Gregory Thompson, the man you took away from his dorm." The officer, Whom she noticed by his name tag, was David gave her a weird look. "How can you be his girlfriend, when his girlfriend is already here?" It was Steph's turn to give him a confused look. "Excuse me? I'm his girlfriend, who else would_" it was then that she heard that annoying voice that lead to Isa. "This young woman in the office, she's been by his side since we took him." "ISA IS NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND! I AM!" Steph heard herself shout. "But she told us they've been dating for the past year, going on two." The officer says. Steph's world just fell apart at this information. "Officer, could you please escort this looser out the prescient, 'my' boyfriend needs his quiet time to think." Isa says, shooting Steph a devious look. "Right away miss." He says, grabbing Steph's wrist. "What! Wait no! She's lying! They're not dating, I'm his girlfriend! Gregory!" Steph shouted. "That's enough miss! Come with me!" David says, pulling her out. Steph still resisted. "Oh officer don't be afraid to use your little taser thing-y." Isa says, again shooting Steph a devious look. "Ugh! I'm going! Geez!" Steph says, walking out the door and to her car.

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