Chapter Twenty-One Twenty-Two & Twenty-Three

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➡️In beginners Cooking class⬅️
"Hey dude what's up?" Greg says to Tyler. Tyler looks up and awkwardly smiles. "Hey uh..dude." He says, trying to listen to the chef/professor. "Good afternoon class and future chefs its so good to see fresh eager to learn people. My name is Chef Casper, yeah go on make the jokes." He says smiling. The entire class laughed. "What is a jock like you, doing in a cooking class?" Tyler asked Greg. "Hey man I gotta have something, incase the football thing doesn't go down, oh! Knock on wood bro!" Greg says, knocking on the wooden desk. Tyler rolled his eyes.  "So today I'm having you work together in pairs." The chef says. "Pairs!?" Tyler whispers to himself. "Oh cool, dude be mine!" Greg says. "What!?" Tyler says confused. Greg laughed. "You know what I mean, be my partner." Tyler sighed. "Oh okay, sure." "Sweet! What are we going to cook?" Greg asked. Tyler again rolled his eyes. "How about you listen to him!" Tyler says, pointing to the professor. "Oh...right." Greg says. "You're assignment is to cook a classic American desert, any form of chocolate, could be cake, cookies, anything." The chef says.  "Sweet! Literally!" Greg says in the excited jockey way. "Yeah yeah, look I'm okay with us being partners, as long as you don't_"How are you and Steph?" Tyler sighs. "Ask that." Greg gave him a confused look. "Trouble in paradise already?" "No, nothing like that, it's just...I know you two used to date, for a while and it's kind of awkward." Tyler explains. "Oh come on bro, please?" Greg practically begged. "Tell you what, I'll tell you how Steph and I are, if you tell me how you and Isabelle are." Tyler smirks, Greg's face fell. "She and I aren't together, God we're not even friends!"  Greg snapped. Tyler kinda felt bad, but at least it got that dumb jock to stop asking questions. "Anyway, we're going to make German chocolate cookies with powdered sugar, you know the ingredients? If not their in that unopened book, next to you." Tyler says, satisfying his need to overpower Greg.  "Of course I know the ingredients." Greg says, taking them out. Tyler's phone buzzes and he opened it.
'Hey hon, just heard your in the same class as Greg, sorry about that...everything okay?' -Steph-
'Yeah sweetie everything is going good, putting him in his place and not letting him badger me.'-Ty- '
'Lol good, I'm glad, crud class is starting, ttyl love' -Steph-

➡️Creative writing class⬅️
"Okay all you creative writers, your assignment today is to, well write a story, only here's the twist, you must work in teams of two." The professor says. This lady was old and wrinkly, who smelled like an old persons home. "You and you are partners, you and you, you and you, and last but not least, you and you." She says, pointing to Steph and Isa. "What!?" Isa screamed. "Did she just say what I think she just said!?" Steph says in a panic tone of voice. "This can't happen! I refuse to be partnered up with 'her!' Isa says that last part way more snottier then she should've. "Oh like I'm thrilled about this arrangement! Come on 'Isabelle' grow up!" Steph says her full name, knowing very well Isa hates it. "I know, how about you write about a lonely, pathetic girl, dating the head quarterback, for god knows what reason, when suddenly a newer, prettier, and way more his type comes along." Isa smirks. "And wrapped him around her spoiled little finger!" Steph says under her breath. "What was that hon?" Isa asked. "Oh nothing sweetie, and we're not writing about that!" Steph says.  In the end they ended up writing about some boring fashionista, just to shut Isa up. Steph's phone buzzed, a text from Tyler! She looks around and secretly opens it.
'Hey babe, hope your having as much fun as I am. *wink*'
Steph couldn't help but giggle at that. "Really Stephie, what can be so funny that you're not doing the research!" Isa whined. "Huh? Sounds great, write it in." Steph says absentmindedly, while she was texting.
'Ha, I've had better love, got partnered up with you know who, this class is going to drag, wish I was with you hon. *smile* "Stephanie pay attention!" Isa suddenly snapped. "Aww is someone jealous her boyfriend isn't the one texting her?" Steph says tauntingly. Isa makes a "humph" noise. "No! For your information Gregory and I have great plans tonight, it's Valentine's Day you know, or has your boyfriend not mentioned it?" Isa gives her best smirk. "Oh ew I so don't want to know your plans, let's get back to work. '
'Don't worry to much about that, after class ends it's just the two of us, got something special planned, happy Valentine's Day my love.' *kiss face* That made Steph blush for sure, she put her phone away and tried to research this fashionista, but all she could think about was Tyler.

The final bell rang and Steph couldn't be happier. She was on her way home, with her boyfriend whom she was pretty sure she was fastly falling in love with, with special secret Valentine's Day plans, could this night be anymore perfect!? 'Smack' she'd run right into the one person she didn't want to see...Gregory! "Oh...sorry." She said awkwardly. He smiled his annoyingly charming smile.  "Hey there stranger, haven't talked to you in forever." Steph looks down at the floor. "Um's been a while." "Hey Steph, can we talk...please?" He asked, sounding pleadingly desperate. "A-about what?"  She asked. "Us." He answered matter-of-factly. Steph felt both surprised and furious. She wanted to yell at him so badly, tell him off, he deserved it after all he'd put her through, but they were still in public and she didn't want to make a scene. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes, she takes a deep breath. "There is no us, now if you excuse me, I have to go home." She didn't wait for a response, she just walked to her car and drove home. She turned on the radio and the song 'Kiss me' by Six Pense none the richer came on....Her and Greg's song, she immediately turned it off. Five minutes later she arrived home. She turned off her car, got out and walked to the door, where she heard Mexican music playing. Before she could put her key in, the door opened, revealing Tyler wearing a sombrero! Steph couldn't help but laugh. "Wow look at you, my mariachi man." She says, hugging him. She then noticed the entire house was decorated Mexican style! Red, white, and Green paper cut outs of hearts were everywhere! She also smelled the most amazing scent ever! "I made  chicken enchiladas, rice, beans, homemade tortilla chips and salsa, and cinnamon chocolate chip empanadas." Tyler says, reading her mind. "What brought all this?" Steph asked. "Well it's a special holiday today, and..I did my research and learned you're part Mexican, so I thought I'd do it up, are you impressed?" He asked hopefully. Steph went up to him and kisses him romantically on the lips, he happily returned.  After a few minutes they separated. "Does that answer your question?" She says with a smile. "Of course, Steph, I love you." Steph's whole world went brighter. "I love you too Tyler!" She says smiling. "I was hoping you'd say that, come on my lovely Valentine, let's eat." He says, placing a sombrero on the top of her head

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