Chapter Thirteen& Fourteen

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"So miss Robertson, do you like Italian?" He asked Steph, walking towards the small kitchen. She noticed him taking out the ingredients for spaghetti and smiled. "I love it." She answered. "Good, because I make the worlds best spaghetti around, I hope your hungry." He says with a slight gleam in his eyes. 'Oh yeah, I'm going to love it here.' She thought to herself. "Starving actually, oh and please call me Steph." She says smiling. "Well good to hear Steph, take a seat and it'll be ready in no time." He smiled back. "Thanks, I think I'll go freshen up first." She says, now noticing her dingy grey sweats and faded blue shirt she was wearing, not to mention her hair was tied back in a messy bun. 'Oh great first impression Stephanie!' Steph mentally scolded herself. Tyler just continued to smile. "Take your time honey, I'll be here in the kitchen."  Did he just call me honey?' "Uh..thanks..I'll right back." She found her voice and rushed to her bedroom to get more presentable. She found a cute light pink shirt, blue jean sleeveless jacket and matching blue  jeans in he bag. She then proceeded to head to the bathroom for a shower. As she was in the warm water, she found herself thinking 'Why in the heck am I trying to impress this guy!? Jeez I just got my heart ripped out, so don't need it to be again!' Their was a soft knock at the door. "Um Steph, everything okay?" Tyler asked. Steph immediately felt her face burn red. "Uh..yeah, be out in a minute!" She shouted, now shutting off the water, listening to his footsteps walking away. She got dressed in her fancy outfit, brushed her hair, trying to get it tamed, brushed her teeth, and splashed water onto her face. She walked out the bathroom and into the kitchen. Her nostrils instantly sought the smell of Italian. "Oh yum, that smells delicious." Steph says, smiling. "Would you care if I serve you?" He asked, holding the spoon up. "No, I mean yes, I can serve me." She says, fumbling over her words and blushing. Tyler giggled and began serving the plates.

They ate quietly for the next five minutes, Steph's taste buds were in heaven, this was the best spaghetti she'd ever had, including her own. "This is amazing Tyler, where'd you learn to cook like this!" Steph asked him curious. she saw him smile. "If I answer a question about myself, you must do the same in return, deal?"  He asked. Steph hesitated. "Okay, deal." She says. "Awesome, glad I'll finally get some answers." He says smiling. "Well..?" Steph asked. "What?" He played dumb. "Oh come on don't play that game with me, answer the question." Steph says. "Okay, I learned how to cook Italian when I studied a year in Italy, culinary  school, but I transferred here, to the University for a better chance at learning new dishes." " the same University as me?" Steph asked. "Ha that makes two questions!" He cheered, Steph looked and felt confused. "What?" "You asked a total of two questions, that means I can now ask you two." He gave her a mischievous look. "Oh..uh...right." She says, angry at herself for asking another question, she couldn't help it, she was curious. "To answer your question, yes, I do attend the same University as you, however since I bought this house when I moved, I don't stay in the dorms."   "Oh..that's cool, so..ask me anything." Steph says, a little afraid of what he'd ask her. "Okay, how did you come to looking for a roommate?" He asked, this guy wasn't holding back. She took a deep breath and started to talk. "Well...I came to this University to..follow my boyfriend, uh ex boyfriend, he is the star quarterback and I just found out he was cheating on me the year I was in high school, with the queen bee no less." Steph says, sadness evident in her voice. Tyler gives her a sympathetic smile. "Oh wow that's...crappie, I'm sorry Steph." He looks at her with pained eyes. "'s fine, I'm here now, I'm moving on." She takes another bite of spaghetti. "And eating the best meal I've had in days." She says smiling. "Good, I'm glad, you came to the right place." He says, taking a bite of the spaghetti himself. "So..what's your second one?" She asked him, looking into his eyes. "Hmm let me think, oh I know, where are you from?" "That I can answer without any awkwardness." She says smiling. "I'm from Columbus Ohio, lived with my mom all throughout school, by senior year I'd had the grades to come here, you know the first part, but I'm also here to study Writing, I'm a writer you see, and I want to learn more about it, kind of my passion." She saw Tyler listening and noticed he was actually interested in what she was saying. "I mean it's not as exciting as culinary school, but it's my hobby I guess." She half smiled. "I think that being a writer is an awesome thing to study, and someday I hope to purchase your very first novel." He says with a wink. Oh boy, was he...flirting? Butterflies instantly flew in her stomach. "You'd better be." She awkwardly said while blushing. They'd finished their meal, and Steph offered to help clean up the mess, but Tyler declined, suggesting she'd get some rest, they both had classes in the morning. That actually sounded like the best suggestion ever, she politely excuses herself, and heads to her rented bedroom, laying in bed and instantly falling asleep.

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