Chapter Nineteen& Twenty

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Steph sighed, she wasn't quite sure Tyler believed her, but the fact that he wasn't pushing her helped. She decided to send Greg a quick text message, what harm could that do? ""Hey Greg, look I  appreciate the gesture, but the thing is...I've moved on, yeah I was hurt that you cheated on me with Isa, but I got over it miraculously with the help of Tyler. I'm sorry but you need to move on, enjoy life with Isabelle, I wish you the best. Bye.~Steph"" She took a deep breath and hit send, smiling towards Tyler's direction, and focusing on the math assignment the teacher was giving out.  All of a sudden there was a scream. "Oh my gosh Stephanie how dare you! What gives you the right to text my Gregory!" Isa asked angrily, holding up Greg's phone. "Crap!" She whispered to herself. "I'd like to know that answer too honey." Tyler asked in a accusing tone of voice. "I um...well you see...the thing of it is..." Steph says, stumbling over her words and blushing. "I sent her the text messages, it was all me, saying how much I missed us being together, Steph was just texting me back saying she's moved're a lucky man Tyler, don't hurt her." Greg spoke up, leaving all three of them speechless. Isa does a "humph" noise and drops the phone onto Greg's desk. "Thank you for admitting that, and don't worry man, I won't ever hurt her." Tyler says, putting his hand on Steph's shoulder. They all sit back in their seats and resume the work. The next few hours went by slowly. Steph had to separate from Tyler because sadly, their classes weren't together. She made her way to A history of writing and sat in the back.

Steph smiled as the professor gave out their assignments. They were to write a short story on something that changed their lives. "Perfect, my life is so dramatic I can write about that!" She says to herself. Just as she took out her lucky pink ink pen, a not so lovely girl walked in and sat directly next to Steph. "What are you doing here! Are you stalking me now!?" Steph asked in an angry whisper. Isa rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic honey, I'm here because I have to be, head cheerleader needs to learn how to write better cheers you know.  She smirked. Isa's phone buzzed and she practically jumped in her seat, she started tapping away on her phone. "I bet she's  not even listening to the assignment." Steph says quietly to herself and starts to write. "You still use that stupid pen?" Steph realized that Isa put her phone down and was now talking to her! "What's wrong with it!?" Steph asked. "You've had it since like freshman year of high school, it's an ancient artifact sweetie, time to throw it away." Isa says, giving her an evil look. Steph blushed. "It's my favorite pen, it's...lucky..I'm not getting rid of it!" The truth was, Greg had given it to her freshman year, and ever since then, she'd had good luck using it. She didn't need anyone else knowing where or who it came from though. Isa's phone vibrates again and she smirked. "Gregory says hello, and that he's having the time of his life cooking with dear sweet Tyler." "WHAT!?" Steph says out loud, louder then she should have, everyone now eyeing her. She blushes even more and sank into her seat.

Steph smiled as the professor gave out their assignments. They were to write a short story on something that changed their lives. "Perfect, my life is so dramatic I can write about that!" She says to herself. Just as she took out her lucky pink ink pen, a not so lovely girl walked in and sat directly next to Steph. "What are you doing here! Are you stalking me now!?" Steph asked in an angry whisper. Isa rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic honey, I'm here because I have to be, head cheerleader needs to learn how to write better cheers you know.  She smirked. Isa's phone buzzed and she practically jumped in her seat, she started tapping away on her phone. "I bet she's  not even listening to the assignment." Steph says quietly to herself and starts to write. "You still use that stupid pen?" Steph realized that Isa put her phone down and was now talking to her! "What's wrong with it!?" Steph asked. "You've had it since like freshman year of high school, it's an ancient artifact sweetie, time to throw it away." Isa says, giving her an evil look. Steph blushed. "It's my favorite pen, it's...lucky..I'm not getting rid of it!" The truth was, Greg had given it to her freshman year, and ever since then, she'd had good luck using it. She didn't need anyone else knowing where or who it came from though. Isa's phone vibrates again and she smirked. "Gregory says hello, and that he's having the time of his life cooking with dear sweet Tyler." "WHAT!?" Steph says out loud, louder then she should have, everyone now eyeing her. She blushes even more and sank into her seat.

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