Chapter Seventeen& Eightteen.

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"You're making a mistake officer... She looked at his name tag finally...Arnold, I didn't kill anyone!" Steph says, defending herself. "Ms. Robertson, we found your fingerprints on the victims arm, care to explain that?" The officer asked, opening his book to write down her statement. "They're on his arm because I lifted it up to take his pulse, that's all, I needed to see if he was breathing, which he wasn't." Steph says, not even believing this was happening. "That was quick thinking, but how do I know you aren't the one who killed the poor man!" He asked. "I didn't kill him, I barely knew him! Geez Isa was the one who was dating him or whatever it is that they did." Steph says, getting agitated. The officer, who Steph now realized was a detective, continued to write this down. "Isa, does this girl have a full name?" He asked. "Isabelle Sweet." Steph says matter-of-factly. "And are you and this Isabelle friends?" Steph almost burst in laughter. "No sir, we are far from friends." Steph says as calmly as she could. Thank you ma'am, were convinced you're telling the truth, you may go now." Steph stands up, not saying another word, and walked out the door. As soon as she got outside a thought occurred to her. "Crap I don't have my car, how am I going to get back?" As soon as she says this she hears a familiar voice. "Hey roommate need a ride?" It was Tyler, standing towards his car smiling. Steph rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him. "My hero." She says. Tyler smiles. "Come on Steph, I'll drive us home, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind skipping the rest of your classes." Steph smiled back. "I definitely wouldn't, but what about your classes?" He smirks. "They won't hurt to skip, just for the day, I want to make sure you're okay." "Thank you, you're sweet Ty." Steph says, getting into the passenger side of the small blue corvette. They drive home silently. After about twenty minutes they arrive home and both get out the car, walking towards the house. Steph goes to open the door, but Tyler beats her to it. "Please, allow me." He says, opening the door. "Thank you." Steph says, walking inside. She was instantly greeted by the lovely aroma of steak. On the floor their were tons of red rose pedals from the door to the kitchen. "Oh wow something smells delicious." "Follow me lovely lady." Tyler says, leading them both to the kitchen. He goes to the counter and gets a bouquet of roses, then hands them to her. Steph blushes. "Aww they're beautiful Tyler, thank you." She sniffed the roses. "I'm glad you like them, I've cooked twelve ounce T-bone steaks, baked potatoes, salads with crisp vegetables and the finest red wine." He says, placing plates on the table, and pouring glasses of red wine. Steph puts the flowers onto the vase she found under the sink, then sits at the table, blushing as she looks into Tyler's eyes. "I hope this makes up for spending the day in the police station, that had to of been scary." Tyler says, breaking the silence. "Yeah it was." Steph says, taking a bite if steak. She really didn't want to talk about the police station incident.  "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He says. "Thanks Ty, I appreciate that." "So, Steph, I was wondering, I know we haven't known each other for long, a couple of days at most, but I uh was, what I'm trying to say is, Steph will you be my girlfriend?"  He finally asked, playing with his tie she just noticed him wearing. "Wow, usually I'm the one stumbling over my words." She says, face totally red as she laughed. Tyler nervously laughed as well, waiting for the answer. "Of course chef boy, I'd love to be your girlfriend." Steph answered, smiling. Tyler came over to the other side of the table and kissed her on the lips, which she happily returned.

After that delicious dinner and epic events that lead to it, Steph was exhausted and couldn't wait to go to bed. She laid in her bed, ready to go to bed, when her phone went off, a text message. "Ugh who could that be!?" Steph says aloud to herself. She reluctantly grabs it and checks who it was. ''Gregory.'' Read the name. "Ugh this is going to be interesting." She says, opening and reading the message. 'Hey Steph, can we please talk, I really miss you, honest...I know things haven't quite been going the way we wanted it, but please Steph please talk to me...I miss your voice.'  Steph closed her eyes, why the heck was he doing this now! Steph was thinking weather or not she should text him back, Tyler just asked her out, this is just adding more drama! In the end, she decided to just go to sleep, it had been a long day. Her alarm went off at exactly eight, time for classes. She got out of bed, went to her closet, grabbed dark blue jeans, underwear, a long sleeve green/teal shirt, a cute matching bracelet. She then went to the bathroom to freshen up. Brushed her teeth, washed her face. Attempts to brush her tangled hair. She had a boyfriend, she had to look some what decent. She contemplated putting on make up. "Oh come on Steph! He likes you the way you are! Stop acting like such an idiot!" She says aloud to herself. Then exits the bathroom and enters the kitchen, Tyler was already there, cooking breakfast for the both of them. "Hey my love, uh is it okay I call you that?" Tyler asked, blushing. Steph smiled. "Yes, that's okay with me hon."  Steph says, also blushing. "Good, I made omelettes, chicken fajita style, I hope you like them." "I'm sure I'll love anything you make." "Awesome, eat up, we have to leave in half hour." They eat, then quickly grab their books and to their cars, driving to the university. As soon as they entered, for some odd reason, she noticed Greg, and he definitely noticed her. Steph immediately grabbed Tyler's hand, are getting the full lacing it with hers, looked toward the floor and walked to their seats. She could feel Greg looking at her, she didn't dare look up. "What's going on honey?" Tyler asked. Oh crap did Tyler notice the awkwardness between her and Greg? She hoped not! "N-nothing sweetie, honest." She answered. "Okay...if you say so." Tyler says, not fully believing her.

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