Chapter Four!

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"Oh wow hello Gregory how lovely to see you here." Isa says, completely ignoring Steph and sitting next to him. Steph glared hard at Isa, who did she think she was is she stalking them? "Isa you need to leave now, Steph and I are on a date." Greg says calmly. "Oh Steph I didn't see you there." She smirked at her. "Oh I'm sure you didn't, are you stalking us now Isa, because that's really pathetic." Steph shot back. Isa frowned and stood up, but not before kissing Greg on the cheek. She got up and walked with a guy Steph didn't know. "Tata see you soon!" She left the table out the café door, leaving Steph both angry and breathless. 'Did that just happen?' Steph thought to herself. The waitress came to the table a second later with their food and drink.

"Hey, babe, are you okay?" Greg asked, squeezing her hands in his. "I...yeah I guess." Steph answered, still shocked from seeing another girl kiss him. "No you're not, talk to me love." Greg says, clearly concerned, their spaghetti and meatballs now getting cold. "It's just...she kissed you!" Steph felt the tears threatening to come. "Steph, babe, it was just a kiss, and on the cheek nonetheless, it didn't mean anything at all." Greg tried to explain to his clearly distraught girlfriend. "I know you're right, it's just..I'm not used to seeing other girls kiss you, I sound like a spoiled little brat I'm sorry." "It's perfectly fine, I'll admit I kinda like this jealous side of you." He winked at her, making her insides melt again. "Didn't know I had this side to me." She reluctantly admitted. To be honest she knew that other girls looked his way, but did they...make moves on him the way Isa did? No, she couldn't think that way, yeah they were away from each other for a year, but they texted and video chatted the whole time.

"How about we take this to go, and then go for a walk near the river?" Greg suggested. "That sounds fabulous." Steph says, smiling and trying to forget about her thoughts. "Waitress!" He called Francine over. "How can I help you sir?" "We'll take the bill, and a box please." "Right away sir, I'll also bring a bag for your wine, I hope you two enjoyed your stay." She leaves them, and returned seconds later, with everything. Greg boxes the food and puts it in a bag along with the wine, then tosses a twenty dollar bill on the table. "Shall we my lady?" "We shall." Steph answered and the two of them walk out the door. They arrive at the river soon after leaving. "Look, honey, I'm sorry for all this, I know you weren't expecting that, hell, I wasn't either, but you know how much a manipulative witch she can be...right?" Steph takes a deep breath and smiles. "That's the understatement of the year, and yes, I understand, I was just surprised is all." "I don't want anyone but you in my life, I hope you know that." Greg says sounding genuine. This makes Steph smile. "I feel the same way." They both kiss while walking along the water. Suddenly and to their horror they see something floating in the water! "Oh my god! Who is it!" Steph asked, her heart pounding. They both ran up to the body. "I..I don't recognize him, do you? Steph grabbed his arm. "I..I think it's that man I saw Isa walk out with in the café, I'm calling the police!" Steph says, taking out her phone. "Oh no! Ronald!" Isa's voice can be heard a mile away, joy. She ran up to the two, well three of them and started crying! "What have you done to him!" She pointed and accused Steph. "What!? I didn't do anything!" Steph answered back. "Yes you have! You killed him! You killed my boyfriend!" Isa cried. "And you're going to jail for it! Forever!" Isa ran away, the police showed up shortly after the call, putting police tapes around the crime scene, and taking the body away.

"I don't get that girl! If she had a boyfriend why on earth would she kiss and blatantly flirt with you?" Steph asked. "Probably to get under your skin, you know her, always needs to cause drama." Greg answered. A big and powerful looking police officer comes up to us. He was almost bald and had green eyes, looked to be mid 50's, Mexican. "I'm going to need to take your guy's names, standard procedure." "Of corse, my name is Gregory Thompson and this here is Steph Robertson." Greg answered as the police officer wrote them down. "Thank you, did either of you know the victim?" "No sir." They answered together. "Okay, thank you, clear the way people!" He shouted at the now crowded river, walking to his car.

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