Chapter five!

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"This doesn't add up, why on earth would someone kill this man, then toss him in the river?" Steph asked aloud. "Uh-oh you've got that thinking face on, what's up?" Greg asked. "I need to, we need to get to the ME lab, ask questions about the COD(cause of death)." "Wait...Steph are you serious?" Greg asked a little scared. "Dead serious." Steph answered matter of factly. "That's dangerous though, we could, you could get hurt." He protested. "Gregory I'm going, are you coming or not!?" Steph says a bit impatient. "I can't come, not here, not there, you're on your own, God Steph please be careful." Steph rolls her eyes, feeling frustrated he won't come with her. "I will, see you back at your room later I guess?" He smiles. "It's our room, and yes you will, now go." He says, watching her leave. The M.E's office was just a few blocks away from the river do she chose to walk.

It was pretty cold, being as it was getting late, Steph wished she'd brought an extra coat. She'd finally reached her destination. "Um, hi, my name is_" "Only police and detectives are aloud to be here miss." A young woman in her mid 20's, had long brown hair, green eyes, and was whiter then the dead body on the table.  "Please ma'am, my name is Steph Robertson, I was the one who found this man." She gave Steph a quizzical look. "What do you want to know?" Steph sighed in relief. "Uh, well, do you know how he died?" "C.O.D was a blunt hit to the back of his head, along with drowning." Steph's eyes went wide. "Wow..." "I have no liable suspects yet, now please leave my office." She says in a 'let me do my job' tone. "Thank you for your time ma'am." Steph says, walking back to her car. She texted Greg right away.

'Hey lover where are you?' She texted as she went to drive away. A stop light later and her phone went off. 'Don't get mad...or be all judge-y.' Steph took a deep breath, this wasn't good. 'Gregory where are you, right now?' She waited for a response patient, or as patient as she could be. 'I'm with Isabelle....she called me crying, needed comfort from a friend....don't over react Steph.' "Are you kidding me!" Steph says out loud to herself. How in the world would he think she wouldn't over react at news like this! I mean seriously He's alone, at Isa's house, doing God knows what! ' there?' Steph took another deep breath and texted him back. 'I'm here, I've got news of my own, I'll be at 'our' dorm, waiting for you to explain.' 'Oh come on Steph, Don't be like this!' Tears threatened to spill out Steph's eyes. 'You know where I'm going to be, goodbye Gregory.' With that Steph tried her hardest to drive to the Dorms. When she got there she blasted her favorite Kelly Clarkson song, so she couldn't hear Isa seducing her boyfriend next door. She couldn't help herself but listen near the wall, they were thin after all.

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