Chapter Fifteen& Sixteen

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As Steph woke up, she felt amazing, that was literally the best sleep she could have, even if her alarm clock was blaring at her to wake up. She sat up, stretched, and for the first time in the past twenty-four hours, she smiled to herself. She hit the button to shut off her alarm and got out of bed. She went to her closet to choose the best 'First day of school' outfit. It was the middle of October, so no shorts for now. She decided on a cute navy blue long sleeve shirt with a white fur sleeveless over shirt, and light blue jeans. Her hair was hopeless so she just brushed it and wore it down. There was a knock on her door. "Hey Steph...are you awake?" Tyler asked from behind the door. "Yeah, been up for about ten minutes I'll be out in a minute." She answered smiling to herself. Wow she's been smiling a lot since moving in here. "Okay, I'll cook breakfast before classes, see you in a minute." He says, walking away and into the kitchen. Steph quickly ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up, then headed to the kitchen. "Oh wow something smells good!" She says, eyeing the stove. "Confession time, I've been up for about an hour, so I decided to cook western style omelets, home fries, pancakes, and orange juice, guess I went a bit overboard, I hope you're hungry." He says, with a slight smile. Steph smiles in return. "Starving." She answered, sitting down in a chair in front of a plate full of food. "It looks so good, I'm going to love having a personal chef at home." She half joked. He smiled and they both ate their breakfast before heading out the door. Steph was high on life as she entered her first class, English Lit. Up until she spotted two not so welcoming people in it. "Oh hi Stephie, we haven't seen you around the dorms lately, how have you been." Isa cruelly asked, sitting dangerously close to Greg. She rolled her eyes. "I I'm fine, found a new roommate, 'he's' great by the way." She says that last part, making sure Greg heard it. "Steph...can we talk?" He asked hesitation in his voice. Before she could say anything the bell rang. "Saved by the bell, bye you two." She says, taking a seat in the back. About fifteen minutes into class and taking notes she noticed a familiar face walk in. That goofy smile appeared on her face again. "Um, sorry for being late ma'am, I'm Tyler Rose, just got my schedule and found this class." He says in a rush. "Take a seat, borrow someone's notes." Was all the professor said. "Thanks." He says, walking past all the students and sat directly next to Steph. "Hey." He says smiling. "Hey yourself, your taking an English class for culinary school?" She says still smiling. "Hey how else will I study the American way." He says, smiling and taking out a blue notebook and pen. "Um..Steph, can I borrow your notes." He asked sheepishly. Steph laughed. "Of course, here." She answered, showing him her notes.
"They look pretty tight, don't you think?" Greg asked Isa. "Whatever, why do you care?" She asked bored. "Do you think that's her new roommate?" He asked her again. "Ugh Gregory I'm trying to listen!" Isa says, pretending to take notes. "Yeah, not to me!" Greg snapped. "Don't take that tone with me Gregory! I bailed you out of trouble at the police station, remember!?" She snapped back. "Yeah, by confessing you set me up by the way!" He says angrily. "Ugh the past is in the past, forget it, be my boyfriend again." She wined. "Not today, not ever again! I had a girlfriend, a lovely girlfriend, and now, because of you, I may have lost her forever!" He shouted at her in a low but angry whisper. Isa just pouted.
"What are you looking at dearest roommate. Tyler asked, finishing up the notes. "Oh..nothing." Steph blushed. "I don't believe that for a second, who is that guy?" Before she could answer, both Greg and Isa were walking their direction, great. "Hello Stephie who is your adorable friend?" Isa asked. "Yeah, you two seem pretty tight." Greg says, eyeing Tyler, and was that, jealousy? "Hello, my name is Tyler Rose, Steph and I met last evening, she's my new roommate, and dearest friend." He answered. "So you guys aren't...together?" Isa asked giving Steph her signature smirk. "That is none of your business!" Steph snapped, now if you would please go back to your seats, 'we're' trying to learn!" Greg looked hurt, Isa looked bored. "Come on Isa, let's go." Greg says. "Yeah, go back to your dumb girlfriend!" Steph says angrily. The two of them walk back silently, Greg still looked a bit hurt. "To answer your question, that was Gregory, my ex boyfriend, and his new girlfriend, the queen bee I told you about earlier." "I see." Was all Tyler says, both of them going back to taking notes.

Five minutes into the class their is a knock at the door. "Hello, we're looking for a Stephanie Robertson?" Steph looked up from her notes to see who was here, and her eyes get wide, it was the cops! "Uh..yes?" She asked hesitation in her voice. "Can you come with us ma'am?" The police officer was tall, had short black hair, big boned, and white. He wore a simple uniform, lighter then usual. "What is this about, oh god is it my mom!?" Steph questions a little worried and scared at the same time. "No, miss please come with us, we don't want to cuff you here." He says calmly. "C-cuffed?" Steph says surprised. After she still hadn't left, the police officer comes closer, puts her hands behind her and cuffed them. "You, Steph Robertson, are under arrest for the murder of Ronald Greyson, anything you say or do, will be held against you in the court of law. Tears ran down her cheeks, how could this be happening right now? This scene seemed familiar. Steph thought. "She didn't kill anyone!" Someone says. Steph thought it was Tyler, her night in shining armor, but to everyone's surprise it was Gregory! "What evidence do you have against her!?" Greg asked. "Gregory sit down and shut up!" Isa tells him. "I'd suggest listening to your girlfriend young man, or you'll be arrested too." The police officer says. Steph looks at Tyler, he gives her a worried smile. "Don't worry, steak dinner with red wine at home when you return." He whispered. Steph follows the officer out the school and to the squad car, down to the police station.

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