Chapter Ten, Eleven& Twelve

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Steph got to her car, went inside, and was hyperventilating. "She's a manipulative liar, she just told the officer that she was his girlfriend to get to me..right!?" Steph asked aloud to herself. Tears fell freely down her face, and she let them. This went on for a few minutes, then she got into her car and drove towards the dorm. She suddenly got a chilling idea, ask Greg's friends, if this were at all true, they'll know something, someone had to. Steph was determined to find answers, weather it hurt or not. As she walked into the dorm, she spotted Ian Spell Berg, a football player, and friend of Greg's walking out of his room. He was a strongly built man, had short black hair that went just above his ears, brown eyes, and a semi cute smile. He was Mexican. Steph took a deep breath and approached him. "Uh...hi...Ian?" "Si?" He answered. 'Oh great he doesn't know English!' Steph thought to herself. As she thought that, he suddenly bursts out with laughter. "I'm joking hon, I speak fluent English, now, you're asking for me why?" Steph rolled her eyes. "Um..I you know who I am?" She asked lamely. "No..should I?" He winked. "No!" She automatically says, a bit to defensively. "I-I mean, I'm Steph, Steph Robertson, I'm Greg's girlfriend. Ian smirked. "That guy's got a new one every year!" Steph's heart sank, her face betrayed her as a huge 'O' formed. "Ex..excuse me.,.did you just say what I think you just said?" Steph asked, fighting tears. "Yeah, all throughout freshman year, he had some chick coming in and out of his dormitory, she was a heck of a looker too, most annoying voice you've ever heard though, I can't remember her name, sorry young miss...Steph was it?" "That's okay, I know who she was, and yes my names Steph, thank you, you've been helpful." She finally found her voice, walking away.

So it's true...Greg, her Greg, was dating that...that...WITCH, behind her back, the whole year they'd been apart, while she was studying her butt off, trying to get into this stupid university! She suddenly felt incredibly stupid. Tears of frustration fell down her face as she threw clothes into a suitcase. She hesitantly heard the door open, it was him, she didn't want to face him at all, just continued packing. "Oh man...that was brutal! But they finally let me off the hook, called it uh false accusation or something like that, oh and ISA! God she was there the whole freaking time, trying to play the girlfriend role! I mean seriously if last year_" He stopped rambling when he noticed Steph packing.  ", where are you going?" Steph rolled her eyes. "Finish your story." She says, not meeting his eyes." "What?" He says confused. "Your story, finish what you were saying, about...Isa." Steph practically spat her name. "Oh..that..." He put his hand on his neck out of nervousness. "That's nothing..really."Stop lying Gregory! Tell me what happened between you and Isabelle last year!" Steph shouted. "Nothing happened between us!" Greg shouted, getting defensive. "Yes it did! Greg I know you two dated last year, while I was studying my ass off in high school just to get into this university, you were doing God knows what with her!" Tears fell freely down her face as she packed up the last of her things. "Don't bother denying it, your friend told me the truth, unlike you!" She says walking towards the door. "S-Steph, where are you going?" He asked. "Away, I can't stay here, I can't even look at you right now!" She answered, looking down. "Come on babe..don't do this...where will you even go?" "I may attend this stupid university Gregory, but I do not need to stay here! I'm going out looking for a new roommate, someone I can trust!" She says, tears falling as she walked out the door. Just then she saw Isa walking  into her dorm and smirk at Steph's direction. "ohmygosh are you leaving dearest Stephie!?" Steph couldn't take it, she ran to her car, opened the door, and as she got inside she broke down into a complete and uncomfortable sob.

She opened her eyes in major pain, both emotionally and physically. After her crying fit, she must've fallen asleep in the drivers seat. Her neck and back were sore. "Oh, ow, gotta go find a new roommate." She says, adjusting her eyes and driving onto the street. She drove about five minutes when she spotted a 'Wanted Roommate' sign in the front yard of a small yellow house. "Okay, this is is Steph." She says to herself, shutting off the car. She hesitated to get out at first. "Come on Steph, you need this!" She says, forcing herself out of her car and up the sidewalk. She knocked and within a minute a charming, some would say handsome man opened the door. "Hello?" The mystery man asked. He had gorgeous shoulder length blonde hair, deep green eyes, was very muscular, as shown by the white muscle shirt and shorts he wore, he had the most perfectly tanned skin, and straight white teeth. Steph couldn't help but stare.  "Miss...are you here for the roommate thing?" He asked smiling. "Um..yeah..I am, my name is Steph Robertson, I live about five minutes away from here, at the University." She says, finding her voice finally. "What brings you here, didn't you have your own dorm at the university miss?" Steph frowned. "If it's alright, id rather not talk about it, if the position isn't available_" "No, it's available Steph, I was just making polite conversation, please come in, look around, the room is right down the hall to the left." He instructed. "Thank you." She says, stepping inside. The house was cozy, almost perfect. It had brown wooden floors all throughout the tiny living room/dining room/kitchen, they all connected to each other. The living room had a small black leather couch, brown coffee table, and a small flat screen television. There were light yellow curtains on the windows, to match the walls, which she noticed had yellow daisies. There was a glass table in the dining room, with lovely white chairs placed around it. The walls were white. The kitchen was simple and small, had a stove, microwave, refrigerator, silver sink and wooden cabinets. 'Okay, so far so good.' She thought to herself. Now she headed for the bedroom. To her surprise it was beautiful. There was a lovely twin size bed, wooden dresser, and wooden desk placed near the window, which had red curtains, to match the roses on the walls and comforter. "So how do you like it Steph?" The man asked from the doorway. Steph nearly jumped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, my name is Tyler by the way, Tyler Rose." Steph smiled. "This place is absolutely perfect, love the roses" she saw him blush. "Oh those are my old roommates idea, my sister actually, that's who I lived with until she left with her no good boyfriend Pete." He explained as Steph laughed. "Relax Ty, I love them, so...when can I move in?" She asked hopeful. "Can you move in today?" He asked smiling, Steph returned it. "Yay I was hoping you'd say that, yes, I can move in today, I'll go get my suitcase." "Want any help?" Tyler asked, already walking to the door. "'s just one bag, but thanks." Steph says, going out to her car and getting her suitcase out the trunk, walking back to her brand new house, and handsome housemate. 'STOP THAT!' Steph mentally scolded herself. "I got it, this is so great of you to allow me to stay here." He smiled. "Only $100 bucks a month can you handle that?" He asked still smiling. "Yes, that's perfect, thank you." She says, walking into the house with Tyler.

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