Chapter Twenty-Four

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Steph was smiling from ear to ear, this by far was the best night ever! She was humming to herself and didn't realize it. That night was the first night she and Tyler slept in the same bed, cuddling and just enjoying each other's company. The next day couldn't come slower, Steph was cursing to herself as her alarm went off. "Ugh I could stay here, in your arms forever." Steph complained. "Same here love, but we have to go to classes, or else you won't become the greatest writer in history, and I won't become the worlds best chef." He smiles at her. "You're right, as always." Steph says, getting up and out of bed. "You go get ready, I'll go cook blue berry pancakes, sausage links, over easy eggs and toast." He says, getting out of bed and kissing her on the lips." She returned and smiled. "Sounds absolutely perfect lover." Steph says, walking sadly away from him and to the bathroom to wash up. She goes and takes a shower, long and hot, enjoying the water, until suddenly Greg of all people pops into her head. "Ugh Steph stop it! You have a wonderful boyfriend, a perfect in every way boyfriend, stop thinking about that looser!" Steph whispers angrily to herself. She shuts off the water, grabs her purple towel and wrapped it around her, then headed to the sink to brush her teeth. She finished up and walked to her bedroom. She grabbed her long sleeve stripped purple and grey shirt, leather sleeveless jacket, and black jeans to match. She then grabbed her black boots and slipped them on, tugging a brush through her hair. "Perfect!" She says, walking out the door, heading for the kitchen. "Oh my gosh that smells so good!" Tyler smiled. "You look magnificent babe, as if that is even possible." Tyler says, placing two plates on the table as well as two glasses of orange juice. "Aww thank you Ty, I try." She smiles and sits down next to him. "Oh before I forget here." She says, handing him a one hundred dollar bill. "What's that for?" Tyler asked confused. This time Steph gave him a confused look."it's for rent hon." Tyler gets up and kisses her. "Sweetie, you're my girlfriend, my lovely sweet talented girl, you don't have to pay rent to live with me." He answered. "Seriously?" She hugged him tightly. "Thanks love." She says, resuming her breakfast. They finish and head to their cars. "Hey babe, how about we drive together, in my car. "Okay sounds awesome. She says, getting into his car. They arrived moments later. Tyler parked in the nearest parking spot and shuts off the car. Steph gets out and noticed everyone, including a couple she rather detested look up. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and closed the door, Tyler joined her and grabbed her hand. It was then Steph noticed the police! Everywhere she looked their was a police officer near or next to a student. "What's going on?" Steph asked. "No idea, one way to find out though." Tyler says, tapping on a students shoulder. "Excuse me, what's with all the police running around?" They're asking everyone if they know of or seen the victim that was killed the other day, they have a lead I guess, I don't know." The guy says bored. "Their sure are a lot of officers around here." Greg comes up from behind, Isa not to far behind. "Ugh I'm over them, I'm over Ronald and his death!" Isa complained. "Death...wasn't it...murder, a murder you accused me of!" Steph snapped. "Oh Stephie don't be so dramatic." Isa says. "Hey I just realized something, probably important, why haven't 'you' been accused or questioned about this murder Tyler!?" Greg says. Tyler goes silent. "Seriously Gregory, accusing my boyfriend of murder, wow jealousy isn't a good look on you honey." Steph says angrily. "He's not accusing anyone Stephie, he's stating  a fact!" Isa screams. "Whatever, Tyler, sweetie, let's get to class before we're late." Steph says, grabbing his hand and walking to Chemistry. "That was...interesting." Tyler finally says. "I'm so sorry he did that to you love, I swear he really needs to get over me!" Steph says, putting her hands over her eyes. Inside, she couldn't help but wonder if some of what Greg said was true...could Tyler...? 'Get a hold of yourself Stephanie! Geese your boyfriend is not a murderer! He can't be!' Steph scolds herself. Just then two officers come into the classroom, one male one female, heading to the professor. The three of them talk for a good ten seconds before the female police officer goes up to Tyler. "You'll have to come with me son." She says calmly. "What is this about ma'am? He asked as he stood up. "You, Tyler Rose, are under arrest for the murder that happened off campus a few days ago." "What!?" Steph says. 'Ugh déjà vu all over again!' She thinks. "He's not a murderer!" She screams. "It's okay honey, really, I'll go and be back shortly, enjoy classes." He says smiling, then kisses her.  "Oh...okay, goodbye love." She says defeated. She watches the officers take him away. Suddenly she notices Gregory walk in. "Hey Steph, you okay?" He asked. "Do I look okay!? My boyfriend just got taken away by the police, accused of murder....again!" She sobs, putting her head on the desk. Greg cautiously puts his hand on her back and rubs it. "I know you feel upset, but...please don't kill me for saying this....but...maybe he is the murderer." Steph looks up at him angrily. "How could you say that!?" Greg sighs. "Steph, what do you know about this guy, how well do you really know the man your sle....staying with?" Greg cautiously asked. "What are you talking about? Do you know something I don't?" Steph asked, her attention fully on him now. "It's just...he lives a mile away from the murder scene, doesn't go anywhere but here and home, and is just all together mysterious, and...." Greg stopped. "And what Greg, I'd think hard about what you're about to say." Steph warned. " you remember the victims last name....Steph...I did research....Ronald's last name is....Rose." Tyler finishes, seeing her face fall,great, he didn't want to hurt her, not again. Tears fell down her cheeks. "N-now, why should I believe you, after everything you've done, why should I trust you!?" She asked in a shaky tone. Greg sighed. "Steph, I'm sorry, for everything, I know I hurt you, and that you can't completely trust me, but please think, do you really think Tyler having the same last name as the victim is a coincidence?"   "Where is Isabelle Greg?" Steph asked, noticing for the first time that the queen bee wasn't there. "She ran off, I don't know where, that girl is driving me crazy." Greg answered honestly. "Oh." Was all Steph could say. "Steph, can you ever forgive me for what I've done to you? I miss you, I miss us hanging out and laughing, even though none of us are laughing now....please?" He asked. Maybe it was because she was so wrapped up in her emotions but the next thing that came out of her mouth shocked even herself. "Yeah why not." Greg smiled his goofy grin. "Excellent, thank you Steph, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.

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