The Start of Troubles to Come

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- Cassian's POV -

I can't believe Ari just did that to me. I want to break something I'm so fucking pissed.

So I did.

Kole ran into my bedroom to see that my room was full of shattered glass and other destroyed things scattered throughout my room. 

"Cassian, man, what the hell did you do?" Kole asked as he looked around my room in shock.

"I destroyed my fucking room, can't you see?" I spat angrily.

"Cassian, sit down and let's talk," Kole said, trying to placate me.

"NO! I'M DONE! DONE! I HATE ARI! I FUCKING HATE HER!" I screamed making the rest of the guys run into my room.

"What the hell happened?" Sebastien asked.

"GET OUT!" I screamed, and everyone left but Kole, and I was kind of glad.

"What happened?" Kole asked, and I told him everything. "Oh, so your just gonna give up? That's not the Cassian Colburn that I know. Just try again. If she rejects you then you know, if not, then improvise."

Damn, I love Kole. He's the best at giving advice no matter what you needed advice on.

"Thanks, man," I said with a small smile.

"Don't worry about it, Cassi," he said with a grin and I smiled back with a slight chuckle. 

He's like my brother and so I always listened to him because I knew he would think sensibly and rationally, unlike me.

After a bit, Kole left my room and I collapsed on my bed sighing as I closed my eyes and went to bed since it was real late.


It's now Monday, three days since my outburst. Today I'm going to go to Ari's school to try again with her.

I am so nervous even though I've practiced in my mirror (one of the few things that I, surprisingly, didn't break) countless times. I still have an hour until I go talk to Ari, and oh boy, I'm getting queasy even thinking about it.

- Ari's POV -

It's been three days since Austin and I had that makeout session. We are surprisingly close, but not really in a sexual way.

The school bell rang which meant it was time to go home and I sighed as I packed up my stuff and walked out of the school to see a familiar figure standing near my car. Cassian. I walked over to my car a little nervously.

"What are you doing here? You're going to get caught," I said as I clasped my hands in front of me, fiddling with my fingers some.

"I don't care, I just have to ask you a question," Cassian said and I nodded signaling to him to continue. "Why'd you kiss him on Friday?"

"I-I did it because I knew it was the only way you'd leave, and I didn't want to have anyone get hurt, you know like in a fight. I really didn't want to hurt your feelings though," I said, placing my hand on his cheek, stroking it gently.

"I guess I get where you're coming from, but it still hurt to see you kissing him, especially right in front of me after I kissed you before and you took off running," he said with a sad sigh which just made me feel worse.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I wish I could make it up to you," I sighed as I just let my hand rest on his cheek.

"Well, you can if you go out with me?" He said, but it was phrased as more of a question.

My face heated up with a blush at his question that I should have expected, but didn't. I figured there was no harm in going out with him, plus, I did really want to go out with him, so I agreed.

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