Truth or Dare Gone Wrong

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We all made a circle on the floor. The seating order was: Me, Cassian, Sebastien, Reed, Eleanor, Katrina, Kole, Katya, and Barrin, who was on the other side of me.

"Okay, who goes first?" Kole asked.

"Ohh, me. Pick me. Let me go first. Please!" Reed begged.

"Okay, Reed, Truth or Dare?" Sebastien asked.


"I dare you to...wear nothing but your boxers for the rest of the game," Sebastien smirked and Reed quickly stripped down to his boxers with a grin.

"Okay...Barrin! Truth or Dare?" Reed asked.


"I dare you to go without your hair products for 2 days, starting tomorrow."  Louis smiled evilly. Zayn looked horrified.

"I'll do the... thing," Barrin said.

"What's the thing?" I asked and Cassian turned to face me.

"If you don't do your dare, you have to sleep with someone full-on nude," Cassian explained.

I wouldn't mind doing that with Cassian, I thought to myself.

"Who do you choose, Barrie?" Reed asked.

"Hey! That's my name for him. Isn't that right, my little Zaynie-poo?" I said, pinching his cheeks and he chuckled as he swiped away my hands.

"Katya. Now...Cassian, Truth or Dare?" Barrin asked.


"I dare you to make Ari moan your name, and, it has to be in front of everyone," Barrin said, smirking evilly.

"Barrie-poo! I thought you loved me?" I fake gasped. Inside I was screaming in nervousness because I had no idea what Cassian would do to me.

"Ready?" Cassian asked smirking.

"Nope," I said, popping the p.

Cassian took his hand and squeezed my ass.

"Cassian!" I moaned and I immediately took my hands and slammed them against my mouth.

"Kole, Truth or Dare?" Cassian asked, still smirking after what he had accomplished.


"Sissy," I coughed, causing Reed and Barrin to snort.

"Ariadne, no kisses for you then," Cassian said.

"That would only harm yourself, pretty boy," I smirked and watched as he started to get up.

Oh shit!

I scrambled to my feet, only to be pulled down into someone.

Damn you Barrin!

"Cass, here you go padrooga. Have at her!" Barrin said and I took my hands and messed up his hair making him scream like a little girl.

"That's what you get, asshat," I said as I stuck my tongue out at him as he furiously tried to straighten out his hair.

"What the hell is an asshat?" Sebastien questioned in amusement.

"A word I made up," I said. Cassian grabbed me and set me between his legs, my ass pressed against his crotch.

"Okay, now back to the game. Kole have you and Katrina had sex yet?" Cassian asked.

"Yes," Liam said, blushing furiously.

"Sebastien, Truth or Dare?" Kole asked.


"I dare you to kiss Reed's chest," Kole said.

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