Why Are You Here?

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- Ari's POV -

I walked into the master bedroom and before I had the chance to, someone shut the door, and I jerked around to see who was behind it and I let out a quiet gasp at who it was... Cassian.

"Please don't scream, I just want to talk to you," he begged.

"Why shouldn't I? You broke into my house," I said with a stern stare.

"No, I didn't. One of your friends let me in, Alex I believe was the guy's name," he answered.

"He's drunk! What the hell?! Aust-," I tried to say but he covered my mouth with his hand quickly, his eyes wide and pleading.

"Just listen. Don't say anything else yet. I really like you. In fact, I think I'm falling in lo-," I quickly cut him off, by running out of the room, Cassian desperately following behind me.

"Austin! Austin! Austin! Help me! HELP!" I scream-cried, in search of him. He came running at me from inside one of the rooms and I jumped behind him.

"Ari, calm down, what is it?" He asked, as his entire focus was directed at me, so I pointed in the direction of booming footsteps. Austin looked behind him, still keeping me protectively behind him. "Oh hell, not you again."

Austin squared his shoulder, getting ready to beat the everlasting shit out of Cassian. I had to do something, but what? Then I knew. It's definitely not my best idea, but I knew it would get Cassian to leave.

"Austin, can you come here?" I asked quietly. He didn't know what I was going to do, but he walked over to me anyway.

"Yeah, Ari what's up?" He asked, concern in his voice. I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him towards me hastily as he grabbed my waist, also pulling me close to him, our faces inches apart. We gazed in each others eyes, then glanced down at each other's lips. Our lips then met, and moved in perfect sync together.

What was meant to be a harmless little kiss, turned into a very heated makeout session.

"Oh, so you'll kiss him but not me? What the hell?! I'm over this!" Niall shouted, hurt and heartbreak in his voice.

I pulled away from Austin to see Niall running out the front door incredibly upset and I couldn't help but to feel like complete dhit for what I had just done.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed." I said with a yawn, suddenly feeling completely drained..

"Oh okay, good night," Austin said, turning in the opposite direction but l grabbed his arm.

"Wait, can you sleep with me?" I asked, watching as a sly smirk slipped across his lips. "Look, do you wanna sleep with me or not?"

"Oh hell yeah. Wait until Alex and the boys here about this," he said smirking and I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the master bedroom with me. I shut the door behind us and went over to my suitcase and pulled out a long night shirt that slipped off my shoulders some and a pair of loose fitting short shorts.

"Turn around and cover your eyes." I said. "And I swear if you peek I'm gonna kick you where the sun don't shine, comprendo?"

He nodded and I sighed, knowing that he was going to look anyway, he was a teenage boy, stupid hormones. 

After I changed, I got in bed and Austin took his shoes, shirt, and shorts off. Boy does that boy got some abs. I shook my head, getting the thought out as I stood up to use the bathroom since I really had to go. When I finished I walked back in the room to see it empty.

"Austin? Austin, where'd you go?" I asked as I looked around for him.

Suddenly, I was grabbed around the waist and tossed over Austin's shoulder. He was walking out of the bedroom and headed towards the bedroom down the hall. He set me down in front of the door.

"What are you doing?" I giggled and then accidentally snorted which resulted in Austin roaring in laughter, speaking once he had finished laughing.

"If you wanna go to bed, you have to strut to me, and act like you want me," he said with the biggest smirk on his face that I've ever seen.

"Well then, I guess I'm not going to bed then," I said, a yawn coming out of my mouth.

"Come on, Ari, please? No one will have to know except me and you. Please?" he begged, pulling out the most adorable puppy dog eyes ever. How could I refuse?

"Fine, but this is all an car and that's all it ever will be," I said looking at the ground, crossing my arms. 

So I did it, but he pushed it to the limit when he wanted me to grind on him which was NOT happening. I tiredly dragged myself to the bed, and teased him in retaliation for that stupid strutting crap he made me do for him by letting my night shirt slip down lower off my shoulder. And it worked, he kept staring at the exposed skin of my upper chest, a couple inches over the swell of my breasts.

"Good night, Austin," I said as I snuggled down in the bed.

"Good night, Ari," he said as he did the same.

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