Chapter 2

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He walks towards the forest to start his training. Soon Kurama came out.

"So are you ready kit," Kurama asked.


"Are you sure you want to leave," Kurama asked hoping that Naruto says yes.

"I'm positive I want to leave this hell hole for a while."

Karuma smiled and started walking in the forest to find some old friends.


Kurama and Naruto have been walking in the woods for a hours now. Kurama was surprise to see that Naruto wasn't tired at all from walking for four hours straight.

As they walk deeper into the forest a bird swoops down and lands on Kurama's shoulder. The bird had four letters attached to it.

Kurama sent the bird away back when they were at the gate to tell her friends that she wanted to see them again. 

Kurama took the letters off the birds neck. She read them and smiled from ear to ear.

"Naruto, guess what?"

"What is it Kurama?"

"My friends agreed to help you train, they said that they will meet us in the center of the forest where there is a waterfall that is on the near," Kurama said. She soon grabbed Naruto' s whole body in her arms and carried him in her arms. 

once they make it to the center of the forest, Kurama put Naruto down in the soft grass. She knew the boy was hungry since he didn't have anything to eat for days because his family rejected to feed him. She goes towards the lake that was right below the waterfall to catch them some food.

~30 minutes later~

After catching at least ten fish for her and Naruto, Kurama set up a fire using one of her blue flames, to cook the fish.

"How come your flames are blue instead of red?" the blonde boy asked.

"Its because it my power on its own. I'm a fox, so I should have a type of element in power that represents me. For example, the Uchiha clan have the sharingan and they specialize in flames, but what people don't know that they don't specialize in just some ordinary flame, but the crimson flame. One of the second most powerful flame created."

"Wait it's one of the second most powerful flame, than what is the first?"

Kurama smiled to know how interested Naruto seemed in learning about the flames, "Well the most powerful flame is the Phoenician flame. It is formed when the two most powerful flames, the crimson flame and the blue flame, come together in perfect harmony to create a flame with beautiful purple color that also has a gold tint to it. Now both flame may be eternal,  but they can go out by the Phoenician flame. This knowledge is very little know around the world almost as if it never existed. And the reason because of that is because seeing the flame, even creating it, is the most difficult thing to do. It is the most legendary thing to see in all creations. There is also a legend to tell who the next owner of the flame belonged to, but I can't remember it."

"So was the Phoenician flame ever been seen?"

"Yes, many years ago. So many years ago that it was way before Konoha was even founded, like over a thousand years before it was founded."

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