Chapter 13

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"I'll name the white one Kukiko, and the black one...Itachi."


Sasuke scowled at the name, "Why would you give it that name."

Naruto shrugs his shoulders, "He has midnight fur and eyes to match. Don't you think he looks like a cute version of an Uchiha?"

Sasuke eyed the dark bunny and sighed before he smirked at him, "You have some type of imagination, dobe."

Naruto blushed, "Teme."

They start to head back to Tazuna's house.

Once there they hear Sakura's screech.

"SASUKE-KUN!!!" (a/n: my head already hurts and it hurts more just by typing this😟)

She tried hook herself onto his arm but he moved to the other side of Naruto before she did. He left them at the door as he walked up the stairs to his and Naruto's room.

Sakura turned to yell at Naruto for no reason at all as usual but he was gone. What she didn't realize that he left the same time as Sasuke.

They both walk the hall to their room before they heard crying. They slowly walked towards the crying to a room with the door cracked open.

They peeked inside to see Inari crying with a picture of a man in his arms.

Sasuke closed the door completely indicating that he wanted to be alone. He glanced at Naruto, who nodded his head, and walked to their room.

Sasuke sat down in the love seat while Naruto sat the two bunnies on the bed.

"I'm going to go take a shower first," Naruto said just before he grabbed his clothes from in the drawer.

He grabbed a pair of white socks, royal blue laced underwear, royal blue short shorts, and a thin royal blue pajama jacket. He goes to his bag to get his towel, bandage, body lotion, shampoo, and body wash.

He walked towards the bathroom, it was one of your traditional bathrooms. There were two different baskets at the entrance just before you enter the bath. He places this clean clothes in one of the empty baskets. Then slipped his kimono and bandage around his neck off and neatly places it in the other basket.

As Naruto was taking his bath, he and the others were devising a plan to get Itachi to talk.

~Time skip~

After Naruto finished his bath, he put on lotion then his pajamas. He wraps a new bandage around his neck. He keeps telling towel on his head so he would get water on the floor.

Him, Kurama, and everyone else devised a plan, but it a bit risky and they just hope it works.

Once he enters his and Sasuke's room, he froze.

Sasuke was standing in the middle of the room, seems normal right?

But he was shirtless with sweat running down his chest to his abdomen.

Even though Naruto had a more intense training then them for ten years, he never actually got more masculine.

Naruto only trained Sasuke, Sai, and Hinata for only two months. He could already see the results, physically, on Sasuke's body immediately.

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