Chapter 12

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"Okay today I'm going to teach you guys how to climb a tree," Kakashi said.

"But sensei, didn't we learn that when we where in the academy," Sakura said.

"Yes but I would be teaching you how to climb one with no hands."



Sasuke thought he was going to go deaf when Sakura screeched in his ear. He shook her off his arm and walked to the other side of Naruto. They both glared at the pink banshee.

"Kakashi-sensei that's impossible, there is no way we can climb a tree with no hands," Sakura said glaring at Naruto.

"Are you sure? Let's see."

He started to control his chakra to the soles of his feet. He started walking towards a tree then stopped right in front of it. He puts his foot on it and started walking up. Sakura gasped so hard that Naruto and Sasuke thought she lost a lung.

Kakashi continued to walk up the tree until he was upside-down on one of it's branches.

"Kakashi-sensei, how will this help us in becoming stronger," Sakura asked.

"You see by controlling your chakra to the soles of your feet. By doing this you will have to use a small amount of chakra but it has to be exact. This could be difficult for even the most skilled of ninjas. Plus it'll help you develop your stamina in needing to control your chakra properly. A ninja will usually be using their chakra during battle while constantly moving, which is very difficult. That is why this tree climbing exercise you will gain chakra stamina."

"*sigh* The Academy really should've already taught them how to control chakra when they were at least 8 years old," Madara says as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

Everyone else agreed.

Kakashi jumped off of the branch and landed ten feet away from his students. He threw a kunais in front of each and everyone of them.

"I want you to use these kunais to mark how high you get up the tree; then use that mark as your goal and try to surpass it."

Naruto puts the bunny down then grabs the kunai. All of them soon started their tree climbing training.

Naruto and Sasuke were having trouble with getting over thirteen feet up the tree, but Sakura on the other hand managed to nearly reach the top.

"Wow this is easy," she bragged.

The three males, if you can even call Naruto that, looked up at the pink headed girl. Naruto and Sasuke looked unimpressed.

"Nice job Sakura, you can take a break and help me guard Tazuna while Naruto and Sasuke keep training," Kakashi said.

"Okay," she said deflated as she wished for Sasuke to congratulate her.

Once Naruto couldn't sense Kakashi or Sakura anywhere near them, he and Sasuke thought the same thing.

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